It’s so easy! Watch:
{"contents": "<garbled .docx contents goes here>"}
It’s so easy! Watch:
{"contents": "<garbled .docx contents goes here>"}
What the fuck, who changed that? Seems like a horrible idea.
Another point is that if the dam is 10m tall, it has to be built to withstand 10m of water. just because it sits at 5m most of the time doesn’t mean a heavy rain couldn’t raise the level, and if the dam collapses that’s going to be catastrophic vs just spilling over the top.
How will they even know it exists until the switch is triggered?
Transported in the same truck as a lime once.
I definitely agree, but I was expecting you to compare with something more expensive. Personally I really like Spindrift, but it’s like 2x the price. On the other hand, you can’t beat tap water for value (or filtered water depending on your local water quality).
I’ve been trying to motivate myself to go out for walks more. I really enjoy hiking, but especially over the winter, the weather is always an easy excuse not to go out (I’m in the PNW, so winter means rain).
I just bought some nice waterproof hiking shoes that will take away at least one excuse. I’d get wet feet using running shoes, and cleaning mud off was a pain too. Having the right equipment can make going out way more pleasant. (Also it can be exciting to try out new shoes or whatever it is)
Honestly I don’t know if I’d be able to spell random words on the spot either. I feel like I’m decent at spelling when writing or typing, but as soon as I start saying letters out loud I lose my spot and mess it up. My brain just doesn’t work that way
Thank god we were able to ditch flash player!
As shit, I’ve got one of those for spare car parts…
I believe the lifecycle goes ExceptionLayer, ExceptionIncubator, ExceptionHatcher
It’s critical you don’t throw your exceptions too early, they need to learn to fly first 🤣
My biggest problem with it is that those aren’t verbs. You might have LegCount -> Countable
and FleaCount -> Countable
I really enjoy programming, but generally I dislike cooking. I just want to eat, not spend time preparing to eat.
My experience with cooking has been that because I don’t do it enough, I’m constantly dealing with food expiration dates and having to plan carefully around them.
In comparison, I’ve got some servers that have been running maintenance free for 5+ years. (Probably not the most secure thing, but meh, I don’t have customers other than myself)
I think programmers often have hobbies that are more physical though. For me, I like working on my car because turning bolts and working with my hands lets my brain turn off for a while. I could see cooking and following a recipe being in the same category for others.
What are the chances of everyone interested in this project already having a tablet? I don’t own any, and I certainly wouldn’t be going out to buy one just to test running Linux on it. I do have multiple old phones I could turn into development test devices however. Anything is better than nothing.
I already had a server running docker, so throwing a few more containers in was trivial. There’s a docker-compose.yml published in the lemmy repo.
Since my server was already running and had free space, it was literally free, but if you’re starting from scratch there’s more to consider.
I’ve been self-hosting for over a year now, and the storage does add up. The postgres DB is 11GB, and pictrs service is getting bigger at 29GB. Between all the different services, it can eat up a decent bit of CPU. My (admittedly 10 year old CPU) sits at a load average of 1.9, so you’ll probably want 3 or 4 cores minimum. And based on my stats, 4GB of ram should be just enough to keep everything loaded.
I think this largely depends on the system they’re using for billing. In Canada, most restaurant systems bill by seat anyway, so it’s easy to print multiple receipts or a combined one. A lot of systems in the US bill by table, so the waiter is the one who has to do all the math.
Normally the term for this is headless rendering, but I think in this case it’s more like head-only rendering 😆
I’ve done the same math recently and decided it would be cheaper just to pay myself and keep a bit of savings around for anything extra. I could not find a plan that would pay out more than $2k in a year, and that’s not even a month of rent some places.
The dental insurance plans available in the US are basically a scam for adults because they have an annual maximum of $1-2k. You have to get a lot of cleanings before you even break even with the premium, and if something major happens you’re basically not even covered.
IMO you may as well just have that $1-2k saved up yourself and pay for your own dental appointments.
I’ve realized that for a lot of things that a phone does, e-ink is too slow to refresh. Even web browsing becomes painful to navigate sometimes. Maybe a dual-screen approach would work with e-ink on one side and a regular screen on the other?