Continuing to never hold Democrats accountable for their terrible decisions will surely improve the party this time, I suppose.
Continuing to never hold Democrats accountable for their terrible decisions will surely improve the party this time, I suppose.
Thought exercise: Which assassination would have more efficacy in the long term, trump, Vance or Musk?
So, let me know if I understand what the US is proposing. In exchange for getting Russia to agree to only annex a large chunk of the country (for now), Ukraine must cede a huge percentage of its natural resources to the US as payment. Is that about it?
Yes, all my coworkers, including my managers are now younger than me. So when a manager takes everyone out, the waiters assume that I’m the one treating everyone to lunch.
A girl that stopped me on the street to ask directions concluded the exchange with “Thank you sir.”
Also, the waiters now automatically bring the bill to me when I have lunch with coworkers.
If this was a rules-based society, yes. It isn’t.
The trump administration has already started establishing a new slave trade system with El Salvador, so it’s entirely plausible that they would consider enslaving the Palestinians also. I cannot fucking believe the speed with which we are dropping into dystopia.
After seeing this sentiment expressed for the 50th time on similar threads, I’m more convinced than ever that: 1.) Many Democrats prefer beating up their left flank to actually opposing Republican ideology, 2.) Many Democrats are somehow pleased that the genocide is proceeding in this fashion because they both get to genocide Palestinians and beat up on their left flank. If Kamala had won, they would have only been able to enjoy half of these pastimes.
Thing is, when we actually empower Democrats they don’t really do much of anything anyway. So the ‘lesser’ argument is getting tired. Thanks DNC.
Tolerance for this nonsense attitude is why the Democrats never feel a need to respond to their own constituents. You are berating people for choosing the ‘burn Palestinians’ party instead of the ‘turn Palestinians into ground meat’ party. Neither vote would have changed anything about the circumstances on the ground, but for some reason, people like you want to perpetuate the myth that Democrats as a party are even slightly better than Republicans on this issue. Your attitude makes progress on this issue in US politics dramatically less likely.
No way that is ever happening. We are a dying empire, rotting from the inside out. Because of a massive amount of inertia, the decline is really only starting to become obvious widely, but we are well into the phase where the ruling class has given up and is just looting the carcass before it hits the ground. They have succeeded in distracting the general public from the dire circumstances for a long time, but things are so far gone at this point, that won’t really be necessary much longer. As we proceed to give up on democracy, the efficacy of political influence withers away. The real danger for the world is that we have a massive military infrastructure ready to lash out in increasingly desperate spasms as the organism desperately tries to prolong agency. It is past time for the world community to organize against the threat the US poses to them. This is just getting started.
I want to piss on his grave. Seriously, they better have that shit locked down or at the top of a mausoleum or something. Otherwise, I want to try and make it a national pastime.
Greater American Reich
Absolute nonsense, and totally expected from the WSJ. There has been no ‘progressive moment’ to swing away from. At no point in the last half century have ‘the left’ had power, or has there been any meaningful attempt by either party to push for or enact a progressive agenda. Democrats, as a party shifted right so far during this period that the latest presidential candidate was basically touting “progressive” policy positions that would have been considered Republican 30 years ago. Of course, Republicans have shifted further right during that time also, and are now literally fascist. To suggest that the populace is rejecting progressive policies is just false gaslighting.
It’s about racism, the same thing that motivates a lot of his efforts in the US.
Are we allowed to discuss the many many benefits that society might receive if Elon Musk were in fact assassinated?
Dumbest fucking president for the dumbest fucking country. JFC I hate this timeline.
Only democracy in the…yadda yadda yadda.
The UN has had nothing to do with contributing to the trend you have described. As unpleasant as it is, that is almost entirely a result of nuclear deterrence.
What do you call a dozen burned teslas?
A good start.
I’ll be here all week. Tip your waiter.