I may have a bit of a rose-colored view of the US, or at least its potential to have its conscience pricked by the notion that tomorrow can be freer than today, but if we don’t care about that anymore, then whatever it was that made America a more palatable hegemon than the USSR or China is gone. The USA is just another transactional actor, and not even a particularly reliable one. At this point, Trump has literally threatened more individual souls with annexation than China has.
Jesus. Rose is dead and did 6 months at “Camp Fed” minimum security in 1990 for tax evasion related to horse-racing winnings, and memorabilia/autograph sales. There’s somebody that needed a pardon. 😑
Meanwhile we’re blowing up the entire Post-WW2 order, making the world much more dangerous, and destroying America’s standing in the world in favor of powers that are (for now) much more autocratic.
Yay baseball!