Aber bei dreien wird’s schwierig: Kanonen, Butter und Rendite für die Aktionäre
Aber bei dreien wird’s schwierig: Kanonen, Butter und Rendite für die Aktionäre
lass ma paar Czajas klären dies das
weise bescheid
This is the long awaited beaker - amphorae - banded ware union! Lesgooooo
Not if the entire battlefield is red
I honestly don’t think 4 men could hold him back if he wanted to go
Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup! Shutup!
Every second video on medieval history on YouTube is about that dogforsaken battle. Why does England steal all the spotlight?!
Bohemia was a more influential and important state in the middle ages. Not to talk about the Italian, Spanish or Greek states. That was where development happened. Just because nowadays lots of the internet is in the English language, everyone talks about that backwater swamp kingdom.
The rain will speak Dansk and the snow Kalaallisut
I don’t think it is for the people on the inside.
It’s comparable to saying: no, Scotland is not in England, Scotland is in the UK and England is in the UK.
Happy day of the wisemen, everyone
First you need some galvanised steel beams, a single bolt and 100 mattresses borrowed from your aunt.
If we call the french entitled, then the English are even more so
No, 🅱️ came from mirroring how “bloods” would replace a “crips” tag C with B, likewise were C’s and later other letters replaced with 🅱️
Arabic speakers often have trouble pronouncing the p and in Arabic Pepsi is called Bebsi. This became a meme several years ago.
Not to forget hybrid and cyber women
conchiglie and cream even
Quick search results:
General Pavel Klimenko, who lead the 5th motorised rifle brigade of Donetsk and a torture camp (for russian soldiers, weirdly) in a mine, was the eighth general to kick the bucket.
Mitt Romney = Mid Normie as his literal name
Fun fact: the endonym for the Navajo people is Diné.
Schade, keine Grafen