Do you have a resource I can take a look at for what this implies at what it accomplishes?
Do you have a resource I can take a look at for what this implies at what it accomplishes?
I’ve used it here and there when there is no other option, still no problems yet for the OS itself, but I have run into issues installing certain things, most likely due to my lack of knowledge.
I think I may be giving arch another shot soon as my needs have changed and it was so godamn close to everything I needed.
What a hamsum boy.
Oh man, big ol cat hug squeezy incoming for my lil guy
I hope you’re able to transition through the grieving process well, friend. It’s never a bad moment to stop and take a real deep breath and feel the pain, it’s going to come regardless and it’s always better to accept it in these situations.
Yeah it was gnarly. That was my once every ~24 hours dose, with about 1/3 of the time not being able to afford it and having the equivalent of a severe flu from withdrawal. It was like that for years. Everyone that I ever hear about being prescribed any painkillers, I give them a very serious warning.
For anyone already struggling with opioid addiction, MAT (Suboxone) is a perfectly viable option to get off of that shit, it’s not perfect, and it’s expensive, but it’s no where near as expensive as your habit, and you’ll get your life back.
240mg oxycodone, unknown amount of fentanyl towards the end there
I quit a $240 dollar/day opioid habit, but they ain’t takin’ my damn nicotine
That’s still food, homie
If there was an issue, it’s surely cropped out of this photo
100% agreed.
Capitalism is designed to pass the buck to us. That’s just how it works. It might take a little longer if it is through the production pipeline like the examples above, but it’s still gonna fuck us.
This is a good list from a quick search, other search results states a lot of vehicles (in this case we’d be talking about vehicles for industry) agricultural (I didn’t look far enough but it could be both produce which would be consumer, but it could also have some ag production products, and machinery, machinery probably being the largest non consumer good product depending on how much that agricultural divide is between consumer/industry.
Included in that list is oil, that would be non consumer, computers would be roughly the same split if not more than agricultural considering companies go through computers more than the average consumer. Computers is also a pretty broad tag so take that with a grain of salt.
Services and other seems kind of substantial, this is not my area at all, just relaying a search essentially, so that could go either way if included in the tariffs at all.
Nice, the ol double up strat is working for her
I hope so too, but it looks like he’s starting to gut everything and break the nepotism world record. I think he’s trying to force a depression to give the rich yet another opportunity to scrape up that last .05% of ownership they missed when they did this shit last time.
Will it benefit the average person? If the answer is yes, you can take it off the list.
Even if it benefits the rich, it would have to exponentially hurt the average American more for it to be considered. They’ve already turned their nose up at studies that have proven better working conditions, pay, and benefits would make them richer in the long run because it takes a little bit of control away from them. These people are sick, and the only thing that is going to correct it at this point is a violent uprising.
But he’s not, because tariffs are going to come out of the consumers pocket, not the country they’re imposed on. They can start to introduce incentives to produce those same things here, but a lot of them are imported for a reason like availability or established industries within those countries or processing capabilities. This will fuck Americans up exponentially worse and create yet another thing for corporations to hide behind when gouging prices long before those countries see any real difference in their own revenue streams.
Looks just like my lil man, I hope the treatment goes well, my cat would never forgive me if I didn’t ask, please scratch right on the outside of both of your kitties ears at the same time
You gotta make better enemies.
I’m indefinitely with him at a pizza party
After further review, both options will suffice.