Emacs with evil-mode or when I am banging around the console, neovim.
Wait, there is nothing after second life? What is the point of second life without third life to give it meaning? /s
Sundered. I would love to see the equivalent of Rogue Legacy 2 for that game, where the sequel completely supplants the original while expanding upon the storytelling and lore.
As a vim user who recently started with Emacs, if you ever want to try it, use evil-mode to get vim motions.
You can run i3 inside XFCE on a per user basis, but convincing my wife/kids to swap users when they need the computer for “just a second”…
I just take the win that they are on Linux and use a shared account.
XFCE. I also like tiling WMs, but I often have to share computers and they are too unintuitive for the rest of the family.
The beauty of Linux at home, you get to choose what works best for you.
Also, you can configure sudo to prompt every time if you really want.
I was on a system that was configured that way for “security”, so I would just ‘sudo bash’ which is obviously much safer /s.
I totally expect one day a XFCE (Wayland) option will show up, I will click it, forget I did, and use it forever more.
XOrg is my daily driver for these reasons:
That being said, I have no fundamental opposition to Wayland, and will probably use it someday.
I have this exact problem.
Edit: nvm, found the solution
When they said, “Don’t write self modifying code”, they obviously didn’t mean me! /s