Thanks. That said, those peasants were armed and trained by US forces.
Thanks. That said, those peasants were armed and trained by US forces.
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Notice how in my previous comments I denied that it’s a generalised thing, not that it didn’t happen occasionally. For sure a few tens, or even hundreds, of children have been sent illegally to Russia. Hell, tens of thousands of civilians have probably been murdered unlawfully in the war. My point isn’t that sporadic small-scale crimes don’t happen during wars, my point is that there’s no evidence of generalised mass deportation of children in Ukraine by the Russian forces.
Also, bringing in children to speak their atrocity propaganda to the UN reeks of Nayirah’s testimony
I happen to generally trust Germany because generally their information is accurate
I highly distrust information from Germany as someone who lived there for 3+ years. There’s a reason why there’s also a wave of fascism over there.
Tell me which “sources” would you trust?
Primary sources providing evidence. Appeal to authority isn’t enough evidence for me, evidence is. I didn’t need to trust any particular sources that there was an ongoing genocide in Gaza because I could simply open up my phone and have 100 new different videos from that very day of kids being bombed from a variety of journalist outlets from different countries and social media accounts.
For example Germany, is generally considered a trust worthy source of information
Speak for yourself, Germany’s coverage of the genocide in palestine is atrocious and there wasn’t one German media that didn’t replicate the “ghost of Kiev” news. You happen to trust Germany because you have a pro-western bias, Germany’s information is as shit as that of the US.
Trusting a government source without further evidence on information about geopolitically charged topics is insane.
an otherwise reputable source, during a war
Please explain to me how state propaganda is a reliable source during war
Not being able to verify = there is no shown proof
If the USSR couldn’t defeat a bunch of peasants
What historical event are you referring to?
If the EU is smart — and not a bunch of capitalist oligarchies masquerading as “democracies” —
Finally it’s dawning on the average western progressive
the US government is absolutely hostile
Ukraine should join NATO
Agreed. Would you also agreed to the complete collapse of the genocidal empire of the USA?
Michael Parenti was saying this in the 70s and 80s though
The news source points to a UN report which it links. If you open the UN report, it says:
“A data collection system maintained by the Government of Ukraine indicated that 16,221 children had been deported to the Russian Federation as of the end of February 2023. The Commission has not been able to verify these figures.”
I’m sorry, but there aren’t investigative journalism or independent sources evidencing widespread deportation of children, best they can point to is 200 documented cases and the Ukrainian government figures.
the number of civilian deaths
I specifically talked about ratios and not about absolute numbers. Ukraine has an order of magnitude more people than Palestine, it would be surprising if there weren’t more casualties overall.
Hamas does not wear uniforms, and actively prevents civilians from evacuating from areas where there’s combat operations
OK, Zionist and genocide apologist.
The source of this information isn’t investigative journalism, it’s claims from the Ukrainian government (as stated inside the article), which is famously known to be at war with the country it’s accusing of war crimes. Russian government sources claim that Ukrainians were performing ethnic cleansing of Russian Ukrainians before the invasion and they’re saving them from genocide, should we take that at face value too?
So it’s reductive to talk about imperialist wars, but not about “Russia want territory, Ukraine rightful defense”? Wanna talk sovereignty and democracy? We could start way back with Euromaidan. Funny how spontaneous and disorganised protests outside US-influence end up with pro-US regime changes, whereas huge protests movements lasting years such as the Occupy movement in the US, the Gilets Jeunes in France or the 15-M in Spain end up in nothing. I guess we don’t question democracy and sovereignty in these instances now, do we? No complex analysis to be had there
Not really what I think the end goal is. The invasion of Ukraine is a military response to the lack of soft power of Russia to maintaining a sphere of influence otherwise, through diplomatic and economic and other means. Guess only time will tell
Surely they didn’t. England played an important role as did the lend-lease program of the US, but the USSR did most of the job (80%-ish of Nazi casualties were sustained in the eastern front) and at the greatest cost (25mn deaths).
Majorly yes, I don’t think these harrowing historical events are the fault of a majority of people. I’m very happy that the soviets freed Europe of Nazism, I don’t celebrate the deaths of German (or any) civilians in the process. I don’t think American citizens are to blame for the millions murdered in Vietnam, Korea, Laos and Cambodia.
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