Young people between the ages of 18 and 24 leaned to the extremes, casting their ballot more often for the far-right AfD and the Left Party.
Kind of misleading. Their AfD vote was roughly the same as other age groups, but they had the most support for the Left Party.
Millennials having the highest vote for the AfD is embarrassing, however.
Humans in general. Tell people that “doing nothing” is the moral action and they’ll sure as fuck do nothing, because it’s the path of least resistance.
Microsoft at least appear to not be giving in as easily, as scummy a company as they are in various ways.
I’m not sure if they perceive that in the long run those that have got on their knees for Trump are going to lose any shred of credibility they may have had, or if this is a sincere belief on the part of Microsoft’s leadership. Probably the former.
Also Australia.
She’s the daughter of former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte, so my first impression is “shit apples” and all of that.
Plenty of regular, stupid people have been convinced that a worse deal is better if they’re making someone domestic richer instead of someone foreign.
No, regular people don’t understand how tariffs work at all. They literally think that Canada, Mexico, and China are the ones that pay the tariffs.
They had that during the Weimar republic too but err…
Even if a psychopath leader is voted out, the American people are stupid enough to vote him back in once our goldfish memories fade.
Or a different psychopath leader doing and saying the exact same things, but: “The Republican party have learned their lesson, they’ve changed!”
Instead you’re going to get an extreme right-wing conservative that will make life objectively worse, as they always do.
He’s always been one of the most racist members of parliament. He threw a tantrum and boycotted the apology for the stolen generation during his early days as an opposition front-bencher.
And it just seems to feed their supporters’ persecution fetish, as it did with Trump.
Nah, it’s definitely him. It looks to be an error in the caption. Or his lawyer looks uncannily like his client.
And the software ecosystem, much of which they have funded/developed. In 2015, there was no proton, no DXVK, no vkd3d, and most important, no Vulkan.
paperless-ngx, after having to turn my apartment upside down to find some paper documents.
Drug addiction is a mental health problem. Reducing supply may have some effect in reducing overdoses in the short term, but it doesn’t solve the underlying issue, and it’s likely that new and potentially even more dangerous sources will pop up quickly. And military action is absurdly heavy handed and unless Mexico are on board with it, I can’t see it ending well (and even then).
Yes, FPTP is a shit system, even with the multi round elections. If they had ranked choice / IRV it wouldn’t have needed these games to work properly.
Weimar Republic vibes. Will conservatives think they can control fascists and that they “won’t be that bad”? Hopefully they come to their senses, but I’m not holding my breath.
Tariffing the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that’s a tariff!