Holy fuck just go to the doctor so at least they can do simple blood work and make sure it’s nothing obvious. I pissed blood once, turns out along with the leg pain my kidneys were about to shut down. Go to the fucking doctor
Holy fuck just go to the doctor so at least they can do simple blood work and make sure it’s nothing obvious. I pissed blood once, turns out along with the leg pain my kidneys were about to shut down. Go to the fucking doctor
My thought https://youtu.be/SnwS5sPOzb0
I wonder if one of those 3d phone scanning apps would be enough for something like that with a few measurements.
10/10, so underrated I wouldn’t have even remembered to recommend it.
I find the replies to you funny because we know exactly who you’re talking about, there’s 3,194 of them worldwide.
I don’t know why. I haven’t watched the show, but I assume anything that makes Zoro look insane would be fun on screen.
And I think he bout to swallow his tongue
Danny Trejo confronting you has gotta be legit terrifying.
Political violence is when milkshake
My feet aren’t designed for heels but they’re literally all I want to wear. I can take the pain.
This is the comment I came for.
This could not be any funnier. Please reddit, take legal control of the piracy subreddit, right as you take the experienced mod team out. I’m sure everything will go fantastic.
For those unaware, Hells Angels are a gang.