Die VW Gruppe macht das ja schon. Also klar, warum nicht
Die VW Gruppe macht das ja schon. Also klar, warum nicht
Ich hätte da einen Kompromiss Vorschlag:
Keine Maut, wer aber schneller als 130 fahren will zahlt dafür im Monat 5.000€, so als DLC
We are leasing our cars.
Regarding the feel: The car does feel surprisingly light. Besides his 2.2 metric tons.
At least here in Europe, the Tesla superchargers work with the car.
Not sure if this generation is already available in the US. I am german, so BMW is a natural choice ;).
Currently, BMW is using the same base for combustion and electric cars to safe costs ans be more flexible how to fit the chassis. That may be a reason for the success.
Nor sure how the price in the US is, the list price for my nearly fully equipped i5 is around 90k€. The only thing I am missing is the pneumatic dampeners. They come only with red or blue breaks, and company policy does not allow for “racing looks”.
I just got my BMW i5. The car is provided by my employer. But I would buy it myself. It is well thought out, has a usable dashboard l, head up und so much convenient stuff.
Also, the build quality is great. Compared to the garbage provided by tesla it is a different world
We are using relativ old Hardware, old thinkpads. They would not be able to run Windows 10 or 11 bare metal ;)
This does not help with Ruida Controllers and fiber Lasers. Both things I have at my company and we don’t have any Windows System.
That is such a shame. And since we need to talk over usb, wine will not work either 😞
Wenn es ein Verbot wäre, dann ist es kein DLC