Makes sense. Well, best of luck with it. That’s super annoying, sorry I couldn’t help. If you do figure it out and remember this, I would love to know what the answer was!
Makes sense. Well, best of luck with it. That’s super annoying, sorry I couldn’t help. If you do figure it out and remember this, I would love to know what the answer was!
Did some looking around and what I found is it could be a sign that the cable is starting to fail:
Do you have another cable you could try?
It could also be a bug in Gnome, since you said it only happens after something like a kernel update. I wonder if it would happen if you used a live usb of gnome, and if so, would it happen if you used a live usb of KDE or some other desktop manager.
Any system logs that might be related to the display not being detected properly?
Since you’re using AMD graphics, you’re using the open source drivers right? The proprietary AMD drivers are not good.
Well, issues 1-3 could all easily be GPU driver related. Which GPU are you using, and what drivers?
The Steam UI thing sounds like an issue like maybe hardware acceleration being disabled?
They generally have really great linux support for all of their hardware (touchpads, fingerprint readers, etc.), and provide bios updates via fwdup. They are also just nice laptops.
This is making me realize that I have never encountered this equivalent of a blue screen of death on Linux.
Ubuntu/Canonical is the Microsoft of Linux distros. It’s no surprise they were the choice for WSL.
Ubuntu has been forcing decisions on users and embedding advertisements for a long time.
Examples that immediately come to mind…
apt install
That is huge. The power management changes and being able to set brightness per monitor are pretty nice too.