Yeah they’re going to cast like the highest paid actor in the world and then not show his face
Yeah they’re going to cast like the highest paid actor in the world and then not show his face
Memories being given as an input to the system are themselves context
I imagine somebody well connected enough to be an envoy doesn’t share in the living conditions of the average citizen
I’m not saying they’ll do it, I’m saying it’s incorrect to state that there’s no valid strategic target when there absolutely is.
Striking inside their territory won’t matter all that much if they can just nuke Kiyv.
And breaking the nuclear taboo is a catastrophe for everybody, regardless of who the target is.
If you use one of those drone jammers what’s to stop a drone homing in on the source of the jamming and exploding?
I think you might care about this a touch too much
VS Code is written with performance in mind. Compared with other electron apps, it’s very performant.
Compared with even a sloppily written native app though, it’s not great.
Heavy metals that will be absorbed into your skin over a long enough time frame, gradually giving you the sub-dermal armor augmentation from Deus Ex
Snakes wriggle around desperately on their bellies all the time it fits perfectly
F22 is dumb. Literally all you have to do to detect it is be shot out of the sky by it.
Ngad gets warp capabilities written into its spec sheet
The act of inserting this context into the system is itself context, so I’m still existing in the context of what came before
If somebody tricks you and you fall for it, it doesn’t mean what you were tricked into believing isn’t context, or that the fact you were tricked at all isnt context.