If i was still there I’d still tip 20% cash preferred. (Card/electronic transactions are more often stolen by management)
If i was still there I’d still tip 20% cash preferred. (Card/electronic transactions are more often stolen by management)
The fox news viewer see CNN as “leftist” and anything further as “The Commies”. CNN/MSNBC/whatever "liberal” orgs see themselves as the leading charge of the liberal movement and anything more progressive or actually leftist as “The Commies”.
Ehh, can’t expect anything short of that sort of bias from corporate media.
IMO the biggest problem is media. They report through a center-right lens and focus on sensationalism. So all people see of the left is the “check your privilege cis white boy” and “anarchists have burned down the entire city” BS lines instead of the vast aid efforts and daily work.
It’s friction with the air.
You’ve experienced a strong guest of wind, now multiply that by 700x. At some point the temperature of the air is meaningless. The impact of you on those air particles gives them soo much energy they get white hot and radiate heat as energy, thereby heating you up. Like standing next to a fire.
No. Jumping forward increases your elevation at the far orbit. Jumping back decreases it. But you’d end up back on where you jumped in one orbit either way.
The desktop environment is just the graphical interface. The OS doesn’t handle the GUI(not directly), some people run Linux without a GUI at all, opting for life in the command line. (Don’t do that) Plasma is just a flavor of it that looks more windows like (but customizable beyond a windows user’s wildest imagination). Gnome looks more Mac like.
You might run across the term Compositor, this sits between the OS and the DE. IT handles graphical input(mouse, game controllers) and display. Wayland is newer with modern features, Xorg is technically more reliable but legacy and missing some modern elements. You don’t have to worry about this unless it comes up in a prompt when you install your distro. If it does, go with the suggested option in the prompt. Otherwise default to Wayland.
I suggest revisiting dual boot, despite your history. You want to have grub/Linux on it’s own hard drive, in a Linux style filesystem (I think i used ext4) and default to it in bios. Then get the windows boot registered in grub.
Windows won’t know about grub that way, no way to mess with it.
Windows 10 EOL doesn’t mean it will stop working. If sims has trouble just use win.
Mint or a gaming focused distro. Not arch/endeavor/manjaro unless you’re comfortable with Linux CLI already
I’ve used this config with win11 for a year now, zero issues. This way your partner can have less of a headache over your antics.
Was going to say if you speak Norwegian you can converse and read in Denmark and it’s seamless.
Nynorsk is interesting. Dialects are hard.
Oh eh… Kunne du bruke det ikke i navnet ditt eller?
2 requirements for arch:
that’s it. That’s also not MOST PC users. Just suggest popos or mint or that one “gaming” distro and let them enjoy it.
If they want to nerd out after they’re used to Linux they will learn the CLI. If they want to, they’ll find Arch or whatever DIY/rolling whatever distro.
Trusting the float on the back makes sense to be a hard one. It’s counterintuitive, the water comes over your face when you start, and you can’t hold on to anything. Might be worth getting a personal coach for a session just for that if you haven’t already. Someone supporting you might help with the anxiety as long as they’re encouraging and not pushy.
Yeah but that’s not a problem with you or the march of time. Search engines have been effectively ruined.
I’d suggest Ed Zitron’s “better offline” pod or Freya Holmer’s latest YT vid on the topic if you want to hear some will developed arguments on the subject.
High, i always wondered what the D20 was for in chess.
Huh, works well for me, ig updates come a little late sometimes but never unable to use it.
Seems to be program by program. Usually an issue with plasma or wayland or drivers.
Godot had some driver issues. Inkscape had issues with the interface fonts.
Plasma 6/wayland
I just use it if the package/dependencies aren’t available or functional in the default arch repo. I like to be able to turn nuts and bolts but also avoid it when it’s inconvenient.
2 package managers is fine for me.