gee whatever you do don’t go out of business or anything
gee whatever you do don’t go out of business or anything
Bird flu boogaloo round 2!
this way they get to watch him suffer and think it the action of god and believe themselves righteous for not offering assistance
because its a quote, bro, wtf
For me it was rodney king, figured that shit belonged back in the 1800s and we weren’t a bunch of fucking barbarians any more. It’s hard, coming from what should be, into what is.
Jesus Christ, joe. I guess I was wrong and you haven’t been paying attention to the subject for the last 70+ years?
Hamas is just an arm of the resistance movement against western/american imperialism, which mostly means israel over there, it being the client state. they want their land back.
that’s right moron, bring up something from hundreds of years ago so as to remove any doubt you weren’t really living here in the real world, now, with the rest of us, as we try to stop our murderous governments from carrying out agendas nobody actually wants except sociopaths and murderous cowards like you
shouldn’t that be “why is the world ignoring a looming genocide in sudan again?”
cuz at nearly 90 and held together by cutting edge miracle drugs, he’s probably at least a little out of touch, and has no way of understanding how big the blunder is he’s making, and it’s far worse than Hilary’s decision to simply not campaign at all until it was too late.
Because the democratic party should never have chased him in the first place, he said he didn’t want to and he meant it. But they couldn’t embrace new ideas and nobody can put a good face on the old ideas any more so they frankensteined up the monstrosity and affront to nature, man, and democracy we now see before us, and we coulda had Bernie Sanders, who would have risen to the occassion in stellar form and changed the course of history. Good job, DNC! Great system you’ve got down there, well and competently managed, to boot. /wrist
But Trump is going to Hitlertown in a honky carriage, and if that happens EVERYBODY is probably fucked, so make the right decision, would you, please?
I mean this is amazing. In the world of the 80s and 90s that’d be enough to destroy a company, stripped down to parts and sold off. Now in this cowardly new “too big to fail” world of Clarence Thomas-reeking doubletalk bullshit, this’d result in no consequences whatsoever
Google has been this bad since their initial IPO, when they signalled their intent to do this, and should have been stopped to protect the most useful public utility ever invented. Since that day they’ve been a pimp; the decision to become a pimp led to this.
what’s happening in America is not democracy, Joe, but what’s happening in Gaza is absolutely genocide, and has been since the 1940s.
representative, vs direct democracy
not that the whole edumication thing has been solved, but this shit clearly ain’t working
I’d support the abolishment of both - term limits of 0, and the move to an actual democracy, which is not what “choose which nigga talks for you” accomplishes
the level of reading comprehension, the number of assumptions kids make these days - its fucking horrifying, innit
The only thing that comes of ignorance is deeper ignorance.
“You! You’re the reason I’m quitting. Yeah, you’re just kind of a shithead, you never do anything, you just kinda run your mouth all day long and I can’t fucking stand it. Like an unbuttered piece of toast thinking it’s interesting…”
The problem is we deliberately make everything wrong so that it breaks. You can’t buy a good product once capitalism gets into full swing, because everything that justified its existence was a lie and the only thing that matters is money - not the world, not the people, just this fake paper bullshit that isn’t really worth anything and is just a status symbol that allows you to buy more status symbols.
When most people use the word removedry, this is the sort of thing they’re describing, not gay people. The word was evolving in this direction before everyone decided to pull a “satanic panic” on it.
edit: lmfao the word is autoremoved, case in point. why we doin so much censorship here? reddit is not a model to follow
Oh good. Weren’t you going to drop dead soon, putain?