I hate that this is so black and white that you’re being downvoted. I’m the exact same way, but I’m by no means a bootlicker. I very much enjoy my job and love the work that I do, but I also don’t think most jobs are meaningful.
Two things can be true at the same time.
How can I make this my prompt on zsh
You don’t use the C:/> </
terminal prefix and suffix prompt on your smartphone?
My wife does this in the dental industry. She’s got loads of questionable quality USB sticks and I haven’t gotten her to copy it all to our NAS.
In high school I used to pass USB flash drives in an Altoid can (to protect it), good times.
I also used to be the CD-R guy (and later DVD+RW) for my group of friends, I was really into .cue
sheets and putting hidden tracks on those (including dumb shit like seeking back in the middle of a slow song would reveal heavy metal or something).
These days I host a Tailscale network — unfortunately with residential upload speeds being trash, I’ve moved all my Blu-ray rips to Storj and set up a WebDAV gateway on a VPS (running Tailscale). It’s fast as hell but I’m not in love with decrypting on the VPS.
Eh, I import thousands of block lists into Unbound and call it a day. I like using apps but don’t like being tracked, so a browser extension just won’t cut it for me.
What I hate is I love encrypting my flash drives but every OS prompts you to wipe the drive if it doesn’t recognize the encryption scheme of another. 👎
It was originally released in 480, so those DVD rips are probably the “best” quality-wise (unless they did some work on it before releasing for streaming).
If that’s the case it’s probably easier to rent the discs and rip them. Obviously this is a piracy community but hey, technically it’s still piracy if you’re copying rented discs am I right?
Yeah, I live in lawsuit happy USA and pirating through i2p has never landed me letters in the mail. They don’t even know what it is you’re looking at let alone where it truly came from.
Again, I really recommend reading about the subject instead of trusting some idiot (me) on the internet.
It’s next to impossible to do this. I think if you read up on the topic you’ll have a better understanding; I’d like to explain more but it’s difficult to do so without knowing your level of expertise, etc.
The TL;DR is that nodes on i2p have no clue which nodes line up with which IP addresses. It’s true that from outside the overly you can see it’s i2p traffic, but you’d need to defeat so many layers of encryption that it’s close to impossible.
Well at least you’re using i2p, I kind of wish more people would. I just don’t like generally using unencrypted communication methods, so discussing even a simple crime like piracy is no bueno for me.
I’m so paranoid I would never talk about that over SMS. 😂
I’m struggling with this now. In my 20’s I worked all the low-wage crap jobs but I was physically moving a lot.
Now I get paid a lot more to sit on a computer all day at home, and I still love computer programming, web development, building networks, etc.
The problem is I miss it being a hobby. I’m kind of burned out on our work project and sometimes I daydream about going back to work in fast food. Believe it or not I loved working in the kitchen at McDonald’s during lunch rush — it sounds fucking cheesy but my store manager and I used to race to see who could make orders faster without making mistakes.
Going back is just not doable now with the cost of living now.
Edit: I realize writing this makes it sound like I’m calling garbage truck driver a shitty job; my intention originally was to say that I miss physically working (and to an extent being in the world) but I veered off in my late night state
After like 5-10 years of ripping 4K Blu-rays without re-encoding, I just can’t go back. The only time I’ll go back to anything less is if the source material was shot in it.
This is a tough one. One way I sort of get around this is I buy the discs (if international) or rent them (domestic), but it’s probably so new and exclusive that it hasn’t been released on any rippable media.