You said unfoldable not non-compressible. Your fault.
You said unfoldable not non-compressible. Your fault.
This is a nice example that also makes me think more questions.
Gets more interesting
The only time any information can be encoded onto entangled particles is when they’re created.
If that were the case, then we aren’t really doing FTL communication, unless we manage to entangle them at a distance. No?
OIC, it’s still useful if we want to make a secret key and send it somewhere. Then both sides can take a reading sometime in the future and they can then use whatever cluster of entangled particles they saw, as the symmetric key.
They apparently found a cure for cancer.
But not for brain rot
The difference is, the rest of them are not being force fed to those who don’t want it.
Cigarette smoke is literally poisoning the lifeline of humans [1].
and everything that interacts with the atmosphere, including my computer. How many times have I had to get gunk off of the dust filters and fans and I tend to seal my room a lot more than the normal person ↩︎
Guess I was lucky to have a social standing privileged enough, as a junior dev.
But also, probably because they actually required determinism, with it being critical and all.
Initially, with Win 7, it felt even better than XP, as it applied the fixes itself and also showed a log of the fixes it made. Wonder why MS thought it would be a good idea to go in the opposite direction.
Look what they get in return? I totally off of it, now.
Never since after Win 7 fir me.
Nice. I’ll be looking for one soon too.
Hopefully I can find something like that.
Just hope that your new one now does not require a Wi-Fi connection and automatic software updates, which will inevitably lead to the company bricking your device 10 years down the line.
Well, that one would be upcycling of trash.
But from my experience of the rate of degradation of DVDs, the ones in the landfills would mostly be reduced to plastic discs, with the data-retaining material eroded away and mixed with other particulate matter
That would be destruction of antiques.
Then there’s people paying for pirated software in CDs/DVDs
I love those.
That’s how I learnt QCD before High School
Imagine getting told by a couples therapist that they can’t see your relationship working out… And then you go on a big rant saying how you should still be together?
Honestly, if someone has to go to couples therapy, they’re already at a point where their judgement is written off.
But but snarky comments are fun
So now you can’t use your voice to convey speech out of class, if you are under 16?
Because Air is a medium which can be used to socialise.
At least that’s what I aim for in Civ VI.
No idea about you
This output is just for the network firewall.
In this case, you might want to ignore all messages with this pattern.
Perhaps look into other messages
I realise I should have been more specific.
Considering the pusher as a point object, deceleration of the pusher be infinite. Just another simplification so that you don’t have to calculate what would happen to all the speeds in between.