You can indeed.
Don’t be worse than Russia. Please fix.
You can indeed.
Average .ml purges
One sci-hub. Very little if we talk about all literature.
Depends on country. In Russia only being first seeder is illegal. New peers fall under “technical limitations” clause.
That’s very little.
Me: *tries to read source*
Source: “No, you don’t.” *blocks*
Even Iran? What world do we live in?
How to be Element of Laughter in any group:
Alternatives to spacex are Roskosmos and NASA, which buys engines from first two.
When was he promoted from Musk’s vice president?
*shocked Pikachu face*
1st of January of 2025 it is announced that an advance making possible growing any kind of animal tissue in laboratory conditions
Let me tell ya.
Which protein? Sonic hedgehog? Tell genetic engieneers what protein you want, and they will make yeast make that protein. Or ecoli. Or rice. Or tomato. Or anything else.
Putin did it last year. And year before that.
Fuck Putin next year. And year after that.
You probably read about U-235, but yes. There are soviet BNs, their chinese clone, french experimental reactor and I think topic reactor, which can work on plutonium, which is side-product in regular reactors.
its most powerful at 1,600 MW,
Fuck, that’s 100 more MW than VVER-1500(project). Or 400 more than VVER-1200(working).
is 12 years behind schedule
VVER-1500 is still project for 40 years. Most modern we have now is VVER-TOI (1300 MW).