It sounds like you found everything you’re going to find without paying for a professor. What you’re looking for is where the money comes in. The professor is the one that teaches you the things you’re supposed to learn, not the books. Yeah, you can read the books yourself, and you’ll get something out of it, but you won’t learn everything you would from a professional, and you have a strong chance to learn things wrong without guidance.
Yes, education should be available to all, but this isn’t the answer. Definitely pirate (school) books, though.
You might want to look into doing a class audit. It’s free. You essentially just sit in on a course and learn and everything, but you don’t get a real grade or credits.
As far as recording lectures, there is probably someone taking the course that might be willing to do it for you, but other than that, it’s not something you typically see available anywhere. It may be a licensing thing or something like that.
Seriously, look into auditing.