Well I play violin in a Celtic bar band that mostly does covers, but back around the time of the pandemic when I was feeling super bored, I worked on a song I’m kind of proud of? It’s called Anticipation.
I just casually mentioned to our lead singer that I had some licks that almost seem to be coming together like a song? He was similarly goofing around in his basement and said show me what you got? Next thing you know, I was trying to write parts for accordion and other instruments we had at the time using GarageBand on my iPad while he came up with some lyrics. I was a total amateur at this kind of thing and couldn’t believe it actually happened! But we eventually got it recorded with each band member coming in at different times for social distancing. We still play it once in a while at gigs when one of the regulars requests it.
Digital services tend to be an area where the US enjoys huge trade surpluses. If that pandora’s box is opened, it’s going to be really bad for the tech giants when retaliatory steps are inevitably taken. I thought this was why Trump was trying to keep the tariff war focused on material goods?
I know in Canada, FB stopped serving news when they refused to contribute to a government fund to help the struggling domestic journalism industry which they were scraping content from with reckless abandon. Personally, I’m happy to see one less stifling algorithm-fed echo chamber. It’s like a breath of fresh air.