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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • No problem. I think this is a great “final boss” question for learning sed, because it turns out it is deceptively hard!! You have to understand not only a lot about regex, but about sed to get it right. I learned a lot about sed just by tackling this problem!

    I really do not want to mess around with your regex

    It is very delicate for sure, but one part you can for sure change is at the # Add hyphens part. In the regex you can see (%20|\.). These are a list of “characters” which get converted to hyphens. For example, you could modify it to (%20|\.|\+) and it will convert +s to -s as well!

    Still it is not perfect:

    • If the link spans multiple lines, the regex won’t match
    • If the link contains escaped characters like \\\\\[LINK](#LINK) or [LINK\]\\\\](#LINK)
    • If the link is inside a code block ``` it will get changed (which may or may not be intended)

    But for a sed-only solution this is about as good as it will get I’m afraid.

    Overall I’m very happy with it. Someday I would like to make a video that goes into depth about sed, since it is tricky to learn just from the docs.

  • I did it!! It also handles the case where an external link and internal link are on the same line :D

    sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

    Here is my annotated file

    # Begin loop
    # Bisect first link in pattern space into pattern space and append to hold space
    # Example: `text [label](file#fragment)'
    #   Pattern space: `file#fragment)'
    #   Hold space: `text [label]('
    # Steps:
    #   1. Strategically insert \n
    #       1a. If this fails, branch out
    #   2. Append to hold space (this creates two \n's. It feels weird for the
    #      first iteration, but that's ok)
    #   3. Copy hold space to pattern space, remove first \n, then trim off
    #      everything past the second \n
    #   4. Swap pattern/hold, and trim off everything up to and incl the last \n
    g; s/\n//; s/\n.*//;
    x; s/.*\n//;
    # Modify only if it is an internal link
    /^https?:/! {
        # Add hyphens
        # Make lowercase
    # "conditional" branch so it checks the next conditional again
    # Exit: join pattern space to hold space, then move to pattern space.
    # Since the loop uses H instead of h, have to make sure hold space is empty
    x; s/\n//;

  • Why you assume there’s only one link in the line?

    They did not want external (http) links to be modified as that would break it:

    • [Example](https://example.com/#Some%20Link)
    • [Example](https://example.com/#some-link)

    I compromised by thinking that it might be unlikely enough to have an external http link AND internal link within the same line. You could probably still do it, my first thought was [^h][^t][^t][^p] but that would cause issues for #ttp and #A so i just gave up. Instead I think you’d want a different approach, like breaking each link onto their own line, do the same external/internal check before the substitution, and join the lines afterward.

    Also, you perform substitutions in the whole URL instead of the fragment component

    That requirement i missed. I just assumed the filename would be replaced the same way too Lol. Not too hard to fix tho :)

  • annotated it is working like this:

    # use a loop to iteratively replace the %20 with -, since doing s/%20/-/g would replace too much. we loop until it cant substitute any more
    # label for looping
    # skip the following substitute command if the line contains an http link in markdown format
    # capture each part of the link, and join it together with -
    # if the substitution made a change, loop again, otherwise break
    t loop;
    # convert all insides to the link lowercase if the line doesnt contain an http link
    # this is outside the loop rather than in the s command above because if the link doesnt contain %20 at all then it won't convert to lowercase

  • This is very close

    sed ':loop;/\[[^]]*\](http/! s/\(\[[^]]*\]\)\(([^)]*\)%20\([^)]*)\)/\1\2-\3/g;t loop;/\[[^]]*\](http/! s/\(\[[^]]*\]\)\(([^)]*)\)/\1\L\2/g'

    example file

    [Some text](#Header%20Linking%20MARKDOWN.md)
    Text surrounding [a link](readme.md#Other%20Page). Cool
    Multiple [links](#Links.md) in (%20) [a](#An%20A.md) SINGLE [line](#Lines.md)
    Do [NOT](https://example.com/URL%20Should%20Be%20Untouched.html) CHANGE%20 [hyperlinks](http://example.com/No%20Touchy.html)

    but it doesn’t work if you have a http link and markdown link in the same line, and doesn’t work with [escaped \] square brackets](#and-escaped-\)-parenthesis) in the link

    but!! it was fun!

  • My reasons were more hardware related. When I was a bit younger my parents gave me a netbook which had 32 GB of storage, and Windows used almost all of it. I wanted to do creative projects in my free time, but I couldn’t install programs or save any of my work. I would often restart to clear log files and gain a bit more working storage, which was extremely annoying because it took like 5 mins for the computer to finally settle down and be usable.

    I eventually got a 32GB flash drive which helped a lot, but it was not enough. With 4GB ram I could only have about 3 browser tabs open, and not all the programs I wanted could be run off the flash drive. It was still resource management hell.

    Somehow, some way, I learned about Linux. I got a 128GB microSD, put Mint on it. It truly set me free. I could install the software I wanted, I could make the things I wanted to make, I could open more programs at once, and I could do it all without unbearable lag. I never looked back since.

  • Screenshot woulda been better just so everyone sees the same thing lol. I wasn’t sure what it would look like because on browser it highlighted some things green, and on Voyager it seems to highlight 4+ space indented as gray. No clue what is going on there :D

    vim with :set virtualedit=all gets pretty close being able to “paint” text anywhere… unfortunately i was on my phone and didn’t think to use it

  • tuna@discuss.tchncs.detoLinux@lemmy.mlFavourite DE
    9 months ago

    Woahh thats so cool!!

    I think your QMK config counts (for now;)) What are some useful things you’ve changed?

    Yeah, im a bit worried about vim binds for alternative layouts as well. I think some people use a layer mod to keep normal mode as QWERTY (or a “normal mode” layer) but insert mode uses their regular layout. Others apparently use their non-qwerty layout for everything (but i guess change hjkl). Apparently it’s not too bad… but probably depends on the person.

    The clamps lol, i love it!