I really like the idea, Im currently struggling with the implementation. There are so many issues to cover:
- who enforces the law? It needs to be worldwide (at least for some products)
- how are mergers handled?
- what to do if the company goes bancrupt or is closed otherwises? Who will outsource the code where? And who will be accountable
- does that also count for private people? (e.g.: if I take a picture, I own the copyright for it, do I lose my copyright if I don’t sell the picture? Or does it only count if I sold it once? What if I sold it exclusively to someone?)
- probably more
There are so many loopholes which corps will use to get out of it :-(
But, but the corporations are telling us that they loose so much money from all those people who are pirating and therefore not ‘buying’ their stuff.
I mean the numbers they showed where huge! Hmm, maybe they forgot to carry the one or swapped some +/- diring their calculations.