Thanks for writing this. I had zero idea what EVs mean for a mechanic.
Thanks for writing this. I had zero idea what EVs mean for a mechanic.
You can chill. The person who replied to you wasn’t arguing against your general point, just clarifying the context.
Just to review, your arguments that I’m labeling as non-evidence-based are:
You chose to quote an abstract from a 40-year-old lit review, and even though it doesn’t support your point, you’re declaring this “case closed.” You’re either arguing in bad faith or you’re not putting much effort into finding the truth. Either way I think you know your case is weak.
“Delayed, intermittent phenomena (“flashbacks”) and LSD-precipitated functional disorders that usually respond to treatment appropriate for the non-psychedelic-precipitated illnesses they resemble, round out this temporal means of classification.”
Strassman is summarizing the range of post-LSD experiences that have been reported. Delayed, intermittent psychosis is at one end of the range and mild, short-term symptoms at the other. He doesn’t validate those reports, and goes on to say that no causal relationship had been established, and the etiology of “flashbacks” was at that time controversial.
A more recent 2021 review by David Nutt et al. (Nutt is by most accounts the most credentialed and respected psychedelic researcher today) says:
A common perception linked to psychedelics is that they induce ‘flashbacks’ of the drug experience long after its acute effects have subsided. Although transient drug-free visual experiences resembling the effects of hallucinogens have been documented in psychedelic users (e.g. 40–60% of users; Baggott et al., 2011; Carhart-Harris and Nutt, 2010), they are not hallucinogen-specific, as they can also be caused by other psychoactive substances, for example, alcohol or benzodiazepines (Holland and Passie, 2011), and can occur in healthy populations (Halpern et al., 2016). In most cases, these side effects are mild and diminish in duration, intensity and frequency with time (Strassman, 1984).
If these symptoms are prolonged and distressing, the syndrome is known as HPPD. The DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association (APA), 2013) reports a prevalence rate for HPPD as 4.2% in hallucinogen users (Baggott et al., 2011) based on a single online questionnaire. Other studies have documented much lower prevalence rates of the disorder, some as low as 1/50,000 (Grinspoon and Bakalar, 1979). Furthermore, if approximately 1/25 users experience HPPD as suggested by Baggott et al. (2011), then it would be a near statistical certainty that some participants in the current era of psychedelic research, which has collectively included thousands of participants in trials since 2000 (Carhart-Harris et al., 2021; Ross et al., 2016), would have experienced HPPD by now; however, this has not been the case.
However, the emergence of large online fora dedicated to the discussion of HPPD on websites, such as Reddit (e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/HPPD/, which has > 7000 members), suggests that cases can be identified at the population level, even if the prevalence is too low to be captured in clinical trials that typically use small sample sizes. While the large-scale data collection of online fora is helpful to gain insights into wider populations, samples are self-selected and likely to be biased, limiting the conclusions that can be drawn.
The incidence of HPPD appears to be much lower in the clinical context, perhaps as a result of efficient screening and preparation (Cohen, 1960; Johnson et al., 2008). Although Halpern and Pope (2003) suggest that there may be no identifiable risk factors for HPPD, a subsequent study of 19 individuals who developed HPPD found that all recalled anxiety and/or panic reactions during the triggering episode (Halpern et al., 2016). Thus, HPPD symptoms could potentially be conceived as a form of trauma response, similar to PTSD, or a form of health anxiety evoked by residual symptoms of the original experience.
I will say again that your original arguments are not supported by current research. I won’t spend any more time debating this with you because we don’t seem to have the same definitions of “evidence” and “misinformation.”
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I’m afraid that “repeating word-of-mouth information until it’s disproven” isn’t how the scientific method works, and wouldn’t be considered rigorous in the research community. I look forward to your findings.
I’m not a medical researcher, but I can tell you that the random LSD flashback, as you’re describing, is not evidence-based. As with many drugs, LSD releases glutamate and can trigger psychosis in people predisposed to psychosis. This can lead people to believe that LSD is somehow being stored in their body and activated later on. Something similar may be happening when people have a bad experience smoking weed and insist it was “laced” with another drug. LSD is processed by the liver and isn’t “stored” anywhere, unless you count blood during the several hours before it’s fully metabolized. Also, we already prohibit LSD-driving. Driving recklessly while under the influence of a substance can get you arrested and get your license revoked.
Please be careful about spreading misinformation.
It depends on the batch, and you’d want to try it first to see how strong it is. Some batches are definitely overwhelming, but others are just a very clear, euphoric high and perfect for parties.
Coke is absolutely overrated. It’s expensive, it doesn’t last very long, and even when it’s good it just feels like a high dose of Adderall. (I’ve done a lot of coke and taken a lot of Adderall.) In my experience, coke can be a party killer. People don’t want to share this expensive drug with everyone, so they separate from the group and do it in secret. And once I start, every 30 minutes I’m distracted and thinking about the next bump.
MDMA and LSD are practically free compared to coke and alcohol. $10-20 and you’re set for the night.
If I asked you to describe the candidates to me, and you started with Trump, I would say, “I don’t need to hear who the other candidates are. I’m voting against this guy.”
I recommend this book constantly. It’s relatable to basically everyone except the 1%.
Dude. I was at the dog park and sat down next to a friendly, hip-looking boomer. We were talking about dog names and he said he studied Latin in high school. He name-dropped some Roman poets and I thought, “What an interesting guy!” It took about 60 seconds for him to say we’re living in biblical times, Israel will topple the Muslim rulers to reclaim the kingdom, and “the West is begging Russia to nuke us.”
These people are absolutely obsessed with the death of everyone on earth. No wonder they find the most delusional sickos to represent them in government.
“Excuse me, Mr. Netanyahu, if it’s not too much trouble, we were wondering if you would consider taking a break from bombing the children… Mr. Netanyahu?”
There was a reddit post years ago, I think from /u/borax, with guidance on this scenario. Essentially he recommended splitting the cocaine up into Mason jars and burying them. As long as you were patient and didn’t tell anyone, you could have a lifetime supply of coke to sell or share with your friends.
Also, dealers don’t check ID.
Honestly, he hasn’t fought much in the last 8 years. His decline is 90% from alcohol and cocaine. His talent and work ethic was incredible during his rise, but after the Mayweather fight in 2017 he couldn’t resist the Scarface lifestyle he had dreamed about. It’s a sad story, not because he’s a good person (he’s not) but because he went from this athletic anomaly to a scared, weak, delusional has-been. Truly a literary tragedy.
I also love MMA and shared the same sentiment. I recall seeing this gallery of Joanna Jedrzeczyk’s opponents before and after.
Your opponent doesn’t need to be a man to break your face. Sometimes you’re just outmatched.
Well said. In addition to these stories demonizing trans people (or in this case, masc-looking cis people) they also fragilize women. We normally celebrate women in combat sports as feminist symbols, but suddenly we can’t stomach these delicate little angels being beat up.
I don’t know a ton about boxing, but in MMA fighters made similar comments about fighting Ronda Rousey, Cyborg, Joanna Jedrzeczyk, and Amanda Nunes. “I’ve never been hit that hard.” “She completely overpowered me.”
We already have a way of separating athletes based on their ability. It’s called competition. Sometimes you’re just outmatched.
Sure, in general people had an easier time buying a house in 1960, but that doesn’t account for individual hardship, and this attitude certainly doesn’t help people who need a place to live right now.
These are good questions. Not all arranged marriages are forced or abusive. It seems alien to me as an American, but some people value having their family vet potential partners.
This guy sucks. Facts.