“People are mad I want to make a spam bot”
“People are mad I want to make a spam bot”
He’s doing a :3
Chemo alters life quite a bit, I mean it’s pretty much poison.
Bro my whole arguemt. Since the fuckign beginning has been don’t give kids drugs until we allow adults to have drugs. That includes puberty blockers
RIP little Timmy, he could have lived with chemo but [email protected] doesn’t want children to take drugs.
The problems that lead to similar outcomes as gender dysphoria, such as body dysmorphic disorder are different and have different treatments.
In the case of trans people with gender dysphoria, it is social and medical transition.
You need to understand that these are different situations that require different approaches, this is why they’re approached differently by doctors.
Please I beg you to try to read up and understand the topics you talk about. I don’t want to sound hostile, I’m just really tired.
Posting like this just makes you seem dishonest.
If you really wanna talk about this drop me a discord handle in dms, I don’t feel like typing out long form forum messages.
Is giving a teenage boy a bigger dick gender affirming care, and therefore essential medical care? What about a girl who’s flat chested wanting bigger boobs? I know it’s weird to ask and I do feel kinda gross but yeah. Is that too far? What about an athlete who wants to take steroids cause it would help them achieve their ideal body?
If my grandma had wheels?
None of these are mostly reversible treatments with negligible long term impacts that are common with trans minors.
None of thee are also connected to issues that cause intense mental health issues, including suicidal ideation AND can be treated by your proposed suggestions.
You’re comparing completely incomparable situations that look similar at face value without thinking about them for just a minute.
We let children have medical care
Gender affirming care is medical care
I think it starts to ask you for a phone number if you log in on a desktop?
You don’t have to make it a full time job to join together with other people to collaborate on a project.
AI can generate content for free, only an idiot would not use it.
Help! Help! My game looks like a shitty asset flip after I put 5 years of solo dev time into it! :(
You can advocate for a different system while also acknowledging that things can’t be ideal right now.
“If you did what I did you could also shit out asset flip tier garbage!”
There are limits to what one person can do well, you’re just choosing to barely half-ass the thing you’re doing.
Yeah, if you take a selfie with your phone the result will most likely not be something you’ll be hanging up on any walls.
If you care about the art you’re making (a video game) you should probably invest in it and try to make something worthwhile.
Alternatively you can also make asset flip tier garbage with generative model outputs.
And no one on the left is advocating for a system where doctors would not be getting paid for their work under capitalism.
If your tiny solo project needs thousands and thousands in commission you might need to join an actual team or lower your scope.
You could always have commissioned an artist to work with you on your project, there’s tons of artists who work for very reasonable prices and your game wouldn’t look like an incoherently mishmash.
It would sure be cool if all art could belong to all people.
Sadly, as long as we live in a profit driven system, there needs to be a way for artists to claim ownership over their work.
I don’t see how people think this is any sort of slam dunk or how it could go against leftist principles.
I think they’re mad that you want to make a spam bot?