That’s it young man, I’m revoking your DNA privileges
That’s it young man, I’m revoking your DNA privileges
Russian tank -> Ukrainian scrap metal
Married Russian woman -> Widowed Lada owner
We’re supposed to be evolving into a more free society… this is just going backwards.
You have discovered the great fallacy, the presumption that democracy and freedom are the natural course of things: they are not. Every single inch of it we have was taken by force from kings and dictators, and they’re always waiting in the shadows for their opportunity to take it back.
The peace dividend created by the end of the cold war has unfortunately made an entire generation of people who believe this fallacy, this is one of the glaring reminders that it’s not true. Democracy and freedom are things that must be actively maintained in perpetuity by everyone who wants them, we must be ready and willing to use all four boxes of democracy (soap, ballot, jury, AND ammo) to defend it for the rest of our lives. We must educate, we must vote, we must nullify unjust laws, and we must arm ourselves, because at the end of the day, violence is the one enforcement method that everyone is forced to listen to. It doesn’t matter how right you are if the other side has more people willing to kill and die for their cause than yours does, so we better damn well make sure that’s not the case.
The ruling more or less explicitly states that Biden could go on national television, say “Won’t someone rid me of these troublesome justices?”, have them assassinated, and face no legal repercussions because using the bully pulpit is covered by presidential immunity
Yeah but I don’t think the average smash and grab thief is going to be smart enough to recognize the potential value of the data on the laptop, they’re just going to pawn the thing off as quickly as possible
Anyone smart enough to want the data probably doesn’t need to smash a window, they’ll just access the data remotely when the computer is on and the drive is unencrypted
So even then, it only protects you from the very narrow overlap of thieves who are dumb enough to need to break into cars for a living, but smart enough to harvest data off of stolen laptops
I still stand by full disk encryption accomplishing almost nothing for the average user but separating them from their own files
If you don’t have data on your PC that someone might be willing to kill you for, you probably don’t need it, and Microsoft enabling it by default for Win11 installs is crazy
It’s okay, I forgive you, we all make mistakes sometimes, I’m sure you’ll have better luck next time you try to engage
If you’re going to struggle this hard to follow along with expansions of your own analogies it would probably be best if you stopped using them, it’s just making it harder on everyone else
Man this is your own analogy, do I really gotta explain it
If everyone is suddenly playing at the nuclear poker table, the chances of SOMEONE going all in each hand drastically increases, and if any one singular player goes bust, we ALL lose because the damn table explodes
Appeasement just kicks the can down the road (and makes things much worse in the future), it’s vital that we not make playing nuclear poker appealing by letting countries get away with shit even if they do have nukes
It’s okay if you don’t understand the analogy
When everyone has nukes, all it takes is one country busting for us all to lose
And if every country on earth suddenly starts playing a hand, someone is going to bust, so pick your poison I guess
Appease thugs with nukes and proliferate nuclear weapons around the world adding dozens more dice to be cast every conflict, or call their bluff and risk them actually using them
Ukraine has been slowly evolving into a 1980s era NATO army, while Russia has slowly been regressing into a 1960s Soviet one
If authoritarian dictators can do whatever they want via nuclear blackmail, we’re already all doomed anyway
The world will be split into two camps: countries with nukes or otherwise under some sort of nuclear umbrella, and countries who are desperately rapidly developing a nuclear program, the third group who doesn’t have nukes and isn’t rushing to develop them will have already been annexed by the first group
Democracy isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon you have to participate in for the rest of your life, every vote should be made strategically to take the next step toward whatever your goal is (and sometimes, to try to mitigate the size of a step taken backwards)
Support your candidates of choice in primaries, but if it becomes clear that they won’t win, we must swallow our pride and pick the lesser of two evils, because baby steps forward (or active harm reduction) is better than nothing
Yes but that’s not what’s happening, we’re losing entire airframes flying commercial flights at the rate of like one a week, the DC crash was the worst in America since 2001 and Toronto hasn’t had an incident like this since 2005
This isn’t normal, it’s not a case of over reporting