I’ll add these authors to my reading list. Thanks for the recommendations!
I’ll add these authors to my reading list. Thanks for the recommendations!
Big words from the walking dumpster full of nasty wastes of perfectly good eggs!
Oh hell yeah we are! Did she get those sick tortilla bowls again?
Says a delived egg loving beast!
But I respect your desire to eat the filthy fuckers. As long as it’s in private, preferably in the closet of shame.
I’d go so far as to say I think it’s weird when people eat any amount of deviled eggs.
Oh the joys of American healthcare 🙃
Oh celexa… I don’t miss you
I hope your current care plan is working out better! That sounds like it was fucking terrible.
I certainly shouldn’t have a problem this time! By waking up earlier I’ll definitely have an easy time getting ready and there on time 🙃
It certainly will since I found a place with normal business hours, someone that answered the phone, and an opening for next month!
It’s a good thing im never late to anything!
Also /s
I agree with you. I don’t want to set myself up to rely strictly on medication, I want to utilize it like a tool and try to find what works best for me. I’ll still have work I have to do regardless to maintain myself. Medication can only do so much. My goals do include reevaluating my current medication, but what I want most is a more defined direction in which I can look to better understand myself. I feel that will ultimately help me more than any medication.
Sounds like me on buspirone. Went great until my heart started racing for zero reason. I’m very jealous of my friend who’s able to take it without issue
Too late for me now lol ive got something booked for mid March at a local mental health center, but hopefully this info can prove helpful for anyone else who finds this thread and doesn’t know there’s a virtual option. I’ll keep this in mind in case I mess up and miss my very fortunate appointment, though!
I’m actually hoping to go the other way with my treatment. For decades I’ve treated my anxiety/depression but never felt like I was getting anywhere with the medications. I’m hoping once I’m evaluated my psychiatrist and I can start working on ways to slow down my overactive thinking.
Well crap! Wish I knew that was an option, my work already gives me teledoc. Oh well ~$200 out of pocket is still worth the peace of mind!
I definitely am! I already know, but I’d like to have it professionally verified so my psychiatrist and I can try some new medications for me. I really need to slow my brain down to start tempering my anxiety and depression. I’ve already noticed that’s the pecking order. I can’t stop thinking > get anxious > get depressed. I’m tired of that chain destroying myself and any meaningful relationships I try to pursue
My PCP and I haven’t been able to meet much. It takes just as long to see him. That’s along my train of thought when I reached out to my psychiatrist to inquire if she could help. Luckily I found a place that can get me in sooner.
While I appreciate your recognition of our hellish political landscape, I’m choosing to completely disregard your “advice” as it’s entirely unhelpful and unproductive. I’m pursuing this specifically bc it’s already far beyond a disruption to my life right now. It’s a fucking nightmare. Without evaluation I can’t get the proper treatment I’d like to help me mitigate the disaster zone that is my mind.
Isn’t it just the best? I hope you’re able to find a place that can get you in sooner than those 2
While venting about it to a friend, they gave me the info for where th y go for treatment. I gave them a call, asked and ADHD evaluations are the only evaluations they do. I lucked out hard and was able to get an appointment in mid March, now I just got to make sure I get there on time lol
This is another type of appointment I know I need to make, badly, but fuck if I’m not scared shitless of it. It sure would be nice to at least feel like we can get timely care
yup. My hair is dark and thick, so it soaks up heat from the sun and becomes physically hot during the spring/summer. So I keep it short for half the year and then let it grow more during autumn and winter.