Heh, my partner and I have already had the, “I don’t seek it out, but if we’re life-and-death stranded and you go first, sorry, you’re provisions now” conversation.
Open source nerd
Reddit refugee. Sync for Reddit is dead, all hail Sync for Lemmy!
Heh, my partner and I have already had the, “I don’t seek it out, but if we’re life-and-death stranded and you go first, sorry, you’re provisions now” conversation.
So, Clair de Lune for visitors, and Cbat every other time. Got it.
Ever since I got into radio, I’ve definitely found that there’s nearly always some wild shit to be found on the airwaves if you know where and how to look for it. In my teen years, I would spend hours on good ionosphere nights sitting on my front porch with a handheld CB just listening to people being absolutely unhinged on channel 6.
If you have even a passing interest, do yourself a favor and pick up a RTL-SDR for cheap, and take a look around.
That depends on which audio system you’re running.
Since this can vary depending on your distro, the easiest place to look for that info is going to be your distro’s documentation. That documentation may also include instructions for how to accomplish exactly what you want.
My family is all various flavors of neurospicy, and we’ve kind of organically developed nonverbal signals for “A thing I want to say has occurred to me; please continue, but I call the next pause.”
It’s awesome because it allows the current speaker to complete the thought without it getting derailed, and the whole group can still participate in some back-and-forth on the current thread with the understanding that we should be reaching for a conclusion so space can be made for the next speaker to insert their thought without forcing them to step on others to make that happen.
It does a really good job of keeping our conversations from reaching the level where you’re blurting things out because you feel that you aren’t guaranteed an organic space to get it out. Everyone can keep from interrupting or being interrupted by requesting the talking stick from the current speaker without implying that they’re taking up all the air.
Edit: Oh, right… The signal… An outstreched finger placed on the table like you’re pointing at a map. Gentle tap to remind. Add fingers for follow-ups :P
'Member when apple didn’t launch the iPhone with native app support and used the argument that HTML5 could do everything you could ever want, and they were wrong, but actually right as well?
Yeah, I 'member…
Allow me to translate:
We are inviting you to work for free because our content moderation team isn’t focussed on actually moderating harmful content… Well, only if you define “harmful” as “harmful to advertisers’ brands.” And by “moderation” I mean adding notes to things a la twitter, or X or whatever… Doesn’t matter, we just think that Elon was onto something when he outsourced the responsibility of fact-checking to unaffiliated users who can be duped into free labor as long as we dress it up as “making the community better” (like we actually have a platform that actually fosters anything close to a “community” lol). Hopefully you’ll steer unearned traffic towards incorrect information so we can make the case to those users that YT is OK with that kind of content without having to say the quiet part out loud, and make the case to advertisers that it’s worthwhile to stop caring what kind of content their ads get placed near. Your contributions will be ignored by the general public, especially those who are seeking out inaccurate content, but you’ll get the feeling of superiority that comes with hitching a ride on the coattails of someone shittier, yet vastly more popular than you could ever hope to be. Together, we can make Youtube even more money.
Then there’s the case of the pilot riding in the jump seat who had been taking magic mushrooms to deal with grief and depression, and genuinely thought the best course of action was to crash the plane. (he didn’t report his condition prior to resorting to elicit substances in fear of losing his career, which is a whole other rant. For those interested, this video goes more into that side of the story)
Granted he wasn’t flying (and didn’t try to fly, per-se), but I doubt that a single pilot could subdue someone who is tripping balls and keep a commercial airliner in the air simultaneously.
Or the many, many, many other cases that don’t make headlines in which a warm spare became imminently critical for the safety of hundreds of people (both in the air and on the ground). The reason they don’t get media attention is because “Situation on Plane Ended in the Good Way, System Worked as Intended” isn’t a headline that get clicks.
Hell, even aircraft themselves are built with redundancy for critical components. How in the fucking world could one even begin to justify not doing so for us squishy humans?
It’s not that this idea is just stupid, this idea is dangerously stupid.
Apologies, hostility wasn’t my intention, only seeking understanding.
Ya know, in the context of the software in a vacuum, sure. But I think I’ll ammend what I said earlier about what constitutes a distro:
IMO, It’s not just software that glues other existing software together into a contiguous OS, but also a staff, a community, a philosophy cast on that collection of software. A way of doing things and thinking about them. Decisions and the rationale for them, a history of iteration, user needs and how those needs are filled. Us soft squishy humans that make, maintain, modify, administer, use, and complain about the software.
Because I think that reducing a distro to only the software it produces or uses fails to paint the whole picture. The mechanisms used for managing the collection of software on any specific machine is only one part of a larger system.
Pacman isn’t the only part of Arch, and Arch isn’t just pacman. The same is true if you s/Arch/MSYS2/g
on that statement.
I mean… Yeah…? It’s not all that controversial to say that any distro is essentially just glue between several pieces of software…
What’s your point?
I’m genuinely not sure what you’re saying here…
Pacman was birthed from the Arch ecosystem, but it’s built to be generalized so any project can use it if they choose.
Freight shipping company still running on a custom AS400 application for dispatch. Time is stored as a 4-digit number, which means the nightside dispachers have their own mini Y2K bug to deal with every midnight.
On one hand, hooray for computer-enforced fucking-off every night. On the other hand, the only people who could fix an entry stuck in the system because of this were on dayside.
Apparently, this actually isn’t uncommon in the industry, which I think is probably the worst part to me.
Interesting. Ants communicate by smell (essentially), so much so that a live ant which is coated in the “I’m dead” compound will be repeatedly carried to the dead pile regardless of how many times that ant walks away from it.
So, something in Trix must include a compound that those ants identify as “Dead pile goes here”, and everyone thought someone else moved the dead pile lol