The boundaries changed, plagues came through. But politically it was mostly stable-ish of sorts ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as an economic system
The boundaries changed, plagues came through. But politically it was mostly stable-ish of sorts ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as an economic system
Other system are more stable, Egypt lasted for thousands of years, the Ottoman Empire was fairly stable without growth for a 1000. Capitalism is the the system were part of the profit is reinvested into new machinery ‘for efficiency’ to undercut competition. Once we do not have competition because there are only 2 or 3 companies (Coke and Pepsi), they fix prices and work to corrupt government to become an Oligarchy. This is why people make the state that we are entering a ‘post capital’ world.
Good. We need to depopulate by 50%. The earth can’t have 8 billion people. There are less than 30,000 polar bears in the whole world.
I also suspect that because so much manufacturing is in China, what we think of as the world’s stock market is just a small fraction of anything. Does an index count if an index doesn’t measure much?
Only black powder guns, single round, should be sold to the public. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3-ZWLSmgco&t=527s It’s all anybody needs for hunting.
He dreams of cutting taxes for the rich, and paying for it with tariffs on Canada. It’s his only dream. He has no clue how to run an economy. He has been bankrupt several times.