Congrats, you unlocked straight+
Congrats, you unlocked straight+
What does that even mean? What does disliking a culture even entail?
Pallas cats look very soft, I’d love to be able to cuddle one
What if there’s a god and they hate anyone who believes in them?
Probably the one where people admit that it’s the only thing stopping them from murdering random people
Everyone I followed on Twitter left for Bluesky
I’m checking a microwave for leaks, how did the C4 even get in here?
Airplanes. Like I get that we can make them stay up, but we can steer them?? Across entire continents and oceans? What the entire fuck
Still hoping for that future that’s borderless and red and queer and bold.
How are you supposed to be gay with no feelings
based based based based
Well, if it’s not a post-apocolyptic hellscape I’m going to assume that someone figured something out.
I just ignore it until either things become clear or it blows over
No, not because I’d necessarily be corrupted, but because I’m a dipshit who doesn’t know shit about fuck, I’d probably, crash the world economy completely on accident and then have an emotional breakdown about the fact that I’d ruined billions of lives without knowing how to fix it.
No, lots of things change in adaptation.