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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • I understand how you feel. The first step to reduce the frustration is to try and give it less importance: as you said yourself, it’s not falling in love, it’s just infatuation. Your brain is confusing attractiveness to another person (physical or romantic) for a deep connection that doesn’t come at first sight (despite what movies and tv would make you believe) but develops in time.

    You will be attracted to a lot of people in your life (assuming you’re not aromantic or asexual) and, with time, you’ll realize if you went deeper in many of these situation, the attraction would disappear, because the shallow opinion you have of a person you are not dating is very difficult to get right, and usually filtered positively by your monkey brain that just wants to formicate.

    Of course trying and deepening these attractions would help you realizing this, which might not be easy if you have difficult approaching other people, but try and reflect on similar situations in the past and think about them cold-hearted: to how many people are you still infatuated? Don’t you see now the “bad things” that you brain was hiding and that don’t make you two really compatible?

    Eventually it just becomes a nuisance. I don’t know if you can change it, but you can accept it and it will bother you less if you understand the mechanism behind it.

    Maybe you just feel affection-starved and in these situations it’s easy to attach to ideas of relationships rather than real ones. Nothing weird of course, everybody do it is some way or another. It’s a combination of social brain and (according to your comnents) low self-esteem.

    Of course these are my 2 cents according to personal experience, a therapist would you help you more with that.

  • Paypal absolutely, but honey does not. Investigation by megalag showed that it purposefully did not give the best experience in terms of coupone codes, if any at all, and experience from users seem to confirm that honey does not try to provide any real service, only scam customers, creators and shops. Paypal as a company should be held responsible

  • Most tech companies do evil stuff that are technically allowed although immoral, and they still bring some benefit in some way. What honey did was not only immoral, but most likely illegal, and screwed literally everyone. At least amazon and google have horrific monopolies, but they bring useful products (in some way).

  • When it comes to sexual attraction, no part of the body is excluded. To most straight males (and gay women I guess) feminine shapes are usually atttactive, that can include boobs, hips, noses, hair, ankles. Are female ankles different from male ankles? Difficilt to tell, but a feminine ankle will be probably attractive to someone attracted to women.

    The whole cultural thing is absolutelt present, but not in the fundamental attraction for female (or male) appearance

  • Murder is not good, it never is. But if this guy really is involved in the suffering of milions, and the death of many through financial debt, all of this to enrich himself and his goon, well then I don’t justify murder, but I am sure as hell not going to cry any tear for him. Especially in a system where people like him don’t fave any consequence for ruining people’s life.

    Here’s a moral dilemma for you: would you kill Hitler if you got traspodted in 1945 and were in a room with him and a gun in your hand? Of course they are not the same situation, but if you apply a digital idea of morality (murder = good/bad) you should let Hitler live and make him cotinue killing millions

  • Left a management position because of overstress and poor work culture. Before leaving, I recommended a guy for my replacement. Not the most skilled folk, a bit of weird guy, but was very passionate and good to motivate people.

    Sometimes later, an ex colleague told me he was saying bad things about me, that I hired a girl just because she was pretty, and such evil things.

    I got pissed so I started investigating, noone believes those things because they know me, but they still believe he is good and downplayed my concerns, even the girl confirmed nothing innapropriate ever happened with me (it was actually a joke I said in a completely non serious context that was used maliciously by somebody). My supervisor is “of the old kind”, so he just repeated I was a good guy, I didn’t need to worry and I should just go on, that I will encounter mean people all the time and that I should just “get a beer with him” and all will be good.

    I even confronted the guy and he exploded in a fit of rage, saying that he heard those things from the girl, that I was a terribile manager, that people hated me and my organization was terrible.

    I understood he was delusional, no one really belived him, so I left him to his delusions and went my merry way. To this day, months later, people still come to me for help with my supposed terrible organization that now crumbled with him.