Hey, hey. We can start a club!
Hey, hey. We can start a club!
Still grandparents in a lot of cases. I’m 40 and my grandfather fought the Japanese in WWII.
Plenty of people left on this planet who had grandparents on every side of that war.
Or maybe your parentheses was meant to cover both.
Yeah it was.
Fuck it. I typed it. Maybe some other idiot will read it wrong.
That was awesome, thank you.
I had an old friend who showed up to the office naked. He was a local legend for his stunts. He walked in and sat down. The dude behind the desk asked him what the hell he was doing. He said, “Well, y’all are getting ready to fuck me, ain’t ya? I figured I’d go ahead and get undressed.”
He worked at a mine, so it was all men, and it was the 90s. Everyone knew his sense of humor and everyone loved him.
He was back at work 3 months later.
He died from black lung in 2019. The whole damn community was broken up about it. Everyone who talks about him has some crazy story.
RIP Rolly Poly.
Edit: Fixed it a bit.
I agree with you, but human beings have been doing the whole “spiritual advice” thing forever.
Most people are religious.
I still have no idea what the fuck is going on with loss. I’ve seen the comic. I don’t get it.
Oh, and your rifle gets all slippery!
Heeeeey. There might be a role for me after all.
I want it in Source at 800x600 on my end. CRT please.
Swear to god I’ve heard this before.
Give me my frickin burger, Ricky!
You say this like there is any other kind of shark.
Could be Hitler Dino Cat as a Venture Bros character.
Hate me if you want to. I don’t mind.
As a musician I used to say, “Leonard Cohen began his music career in his 30s. I can do this.”
I’m not Leonard Cohen in any imaginable way. Oh, and I’m past that point now too. :p
Lucky you. It’s my goddamn chair and door haha.
:p yoooooou! What are you doing here?
As someone who worked in a gas station for 24 years…
I’d do it. I’d suck it up. I’d make some damn good friends along the way and then I’d never maintain those friendships and feel guilty for the rest of rest of my life. “Just call him, dipshit. He’s going through a divorce! Just go fishing! Pleaaassse! Ok, here goes. Tomorrow.”
Always tomorrow.
Man, I remember being scared of this virus many years ago.
My kid was crazy about those books.