Neither of your points are of any concern to the current administration.
Neither of your points are of any concern to the current administration.
Part of me thinks this is so they have an easy way to drop prices after people get used to everything costing more
Trump is running the US the same way I ran my cities in SimCity2000
non tech person
Watched the first few seconds: non tech person buys a laptop with Linux instead of Windows without realizing, can’t install required software. Stupid story.
You’re not missing out on much. As far as memes go, this one is pretty bad.
I think they jpeg’ed it up.
Grated cheddar is infinitely better than an American single. Cholula doesn’t hurt.
Puzzle #534
Am I doing this right?
I’m Popsicle Rick!
A swing and a miss.
I like the subtle windows logo in the bin for windows ME.
I use xournal++ for notes and math stuff. Have looked at rnote as well but haven’t really dove in and tried it thoroughly.
Trump said this? Really? I cannot believe it, so out if character…
One example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iliad?wprov=sfla1
Yes, you’ll make the argument that the available versions of it are not perfect representations, though that is only because the language and dialect used to produce the work had been lost, the work otherwise remains intact.
Text is a digital format because you have a limited set of characters to represent sounds/syllables. For example: the meaning of the letter ‘B’ doesn’t change if a small piece of the letter is missing or if the letter is slightly tilted, it’s still a ‘B’. If the format was analog, those changes would also change the sound/meaning of the word.
The analog storage you are referring to from thousands of years ago has degraded substantially since its creation. Yes it’s still useful but I wouldn’t use that as evidence it’s a better medium. Case in point: texts (a digital storage form) from thousands of years ago can be retransacribed to be exact copies of the original (with respect to the knowledge contained within of course) whereas paintings from the Renaissance have changed dramatically due to aging and can never be returned to their original form since the needed data is lost.
50 bucks for a bent piece of acrylic? Geez
Not just feel like, they are extremely different terms, to the point where I’d barely call a vasectomy a punishment (it is a punishment only in the sense that they are prevented producing offspring and their junk will hurt for a few days), considering many men (including myself) voluntarily have the operation.