Niankhkhnumhotep is a mouthful of a ship name, but only if you’re not used to speaking ancient Egyptian.
I am an electric meat robot.
Niankhkhnumhotep is a mouthful of a ship name, but only if you’re not used to speaking ancient Egyptian.
So fluffy! So pretty! Probably also so ornery!
I see three cats in this photo.
Same! And as a matter of fact, I did go for years without finding it again before I came across this website. Borges makes the world a little more magical, obviously.
The Book of Sand. Not fucked up, just mind-blowing.
It’s cool, you’re sharing it with all of us.
God damn this is funny.
Morty’s obsession with Jessica is so strong that it interfered with an extradimensional entity’s ability to telepathically communicate with him.
It’s one of my favorite lines in the entire run of the show.
I communicate through what you call…Jessica’s feet…no, telepathy.
“A Cool Teacher’s Thesis”
Tucker Carlson?
My name is Axon. My planet is Neptune.
All species of cats have exactly the same programming.
My favorite is Botticelli. Easier to demonstrate than explain, but I get a kick out of it.
Fresh reference. That waffle party is yours for sure.