Flying car cheat in San Andreas. I don’t know what the buttons are, by my muscle memory is so ingrained that if I start it I can usually get it after 1/2 attempts. Even if I haven’t touched the games in years.
I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com
Flying car cheat in San Andreas. I don’t know what the buttons are, by my muscle memory is so ingrained that if I start it I can usually get it after 1/2 attempts. Even if I haven’t touched the games in years.
So I have a Framework 13 AMD with Mint. Framework on older firmware isn’t the best, but with Mint 22 and by extension 24.04 it’s fine.
Got mine back in December and had no issues with the installation process. Games play fine though the fan goes to 100% after a bit. But with power profile in 22.1 it can quiet the machine down.
Other than that and the occasional hiccup. Compared to other laptops it’s the best machine I’ve used. So far no issues with only a few times of opening the terminal to fix minor issues.
Trying to avoid apps with subscriptions. The way I see it, it’s a question of when not if they change how the app works.
I 100% agree, and have Fusion360 in my VM. But there is a method to FreeCAD’s madness and once you get it, FreeCAD begins to make sense.
I found it hard to go back to fusion especially with the amount of control I had with my designs.
Also FreeCAD V1 is out, and it’s a marked improvement over their previous releases. Might be worth a try.
Being able to sync music or movies to my iPhone/iPad. More of an Apple issue than Linux, yet Mac/PC is compatible.
VLC does work, but since it’s not how Apple wants you to use your device it’s not as convincing nor flushed out.
Here’s the guide I used: https://www.standingpad.org/posts/2024/06/affinity-on-linux/
The only thing I did differently was I used this yaml to make the container: https://gist.github.com/gnat/8b69cf49b68e2349afe5e8cb5af49bf8
There’s a bit of tinkering afterwards, but it runs.
Pretty stable from my testing, outside of a few crashes when I was asking too much of it.
That said Inkscape/gimp/kirta are good alternatives if you are in the market.
While it’s a pain to setup, Affinity does work in Bottles and a specific build of Wine. Not easy to do, but it’s possible.
Honestly if you are looking to move to Canada, they are desperately looking for Nurses especially out in Eastern Canada like Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
Immigration is being tightened right now, but if you already have a degree and looking to get recertified here its a good starting point.
Source: lived in Halifax for 5 years and know a connection or two in that industry
Because printing in Linux both works and is supported and not supported and hope that there are drivers and they work.
For example, I have a brother printer and in both arch and Ubuntu/mint the printer worked out of the box. But I was missing features like double sided printing. So I had to download drivers for it.
In arch the drivers were on the AUR, so I was printing is seconds.
In Ubuntu/mint they weren’t in my package manager, so I had to go to brother’s website and hope they had drivers. Brother did and while it took a bit it did work too. No worse than windows.
Twaddle: something insignificant or worthless or another word Nonsense.
Discovered this word while reading the dictionary during silent reading in English and they wouldn’t let me play games.
I’ve use metal watch bands for years instead of silicone. Current one was for my Pebble time I got from Fossil and it’s still going strong.
I personally use a metal watch band for myself. I react poorly to p/leather and silicone and I’ve used a watch band I first got as a substitute for my Pebble Time. Might be from Fossil, but any old stainless steel metal band works for me.
Ditto, but I don’t exercise as much as they do so I assume its longevity is based off of how much you sweat.
It’s fun to zoom in on the GameCube icon on the controller spool. At 4K it doesn’t look like there will be detail, but there is.
I happy to hear there shape are unique enough to recognize their wireframe. I was a bit worried that they were a bit too generic.
Fun part, since I’ve made each stylus for each system, the icons are all unique. There shouldn’t be (I hope) duplicates.
Can’t remember any more, either it was installed along side another package, or it was installed because of intel openCL support. Either way it’s been over a year since my last Manjaro install borked, and I’ve been running (and upgraded) Linux Mint.
For me it was installing apps from the AUR, like Intel Compute. Had dependency issues and errors every time other packages updated and when I tried to fix it, other modules would uninstall, and break my DE, or put my machine in an unrecoverable state.
It’s not as bad as that time my btfs file system broke randomly in Fedora, since I was able to recover my data. But it always felt like an endless battle with the distro to keep it going. Which is why I moved to mint.
I know it was a Manjaro issue since when I attempted to move to EndevorOS the issues were gone… though I dont like it as a distro (I.e. why isn’t a package manager gui installed by default)
I agree, however if the price is making your nervous try a Factory Seconds Framework. We noticed no issues with on our end and it’s cheaper.
Sure you get a 11th gen Intel, but the performance is still good enough for indi games and more than enough for surfing the web