Welcome to the brotherhood.
Welcome to the brotherhood.
+1 qbittorrent
If you can host a docker container, have a look at Jackett. You can add tons of trackers, private and public and search all at once.
Jackett. You can add as many trackers as you want and search them all, all at once within qb. Dope.
Edit: you can add torrents.csv in Jackett.
Pulsedmedia has some decently priced offerings. I’ve used them a few times here and there. Pretty solid. You can probably find something to your liking in the neighborhood of 9 to 10 bucks a month.
It’s probably the mustache and goatee.
That name is a mouthful.
IRC is fine to get your movie and TV needs met. There are a couple servers doing it well. Speeds are decent enough, a few minutes per 8-9 gig files. Retention sucks, as pretty rapid turn-over is basically required; these are files hosted on dedis/vps’s with finite disk space.
You should be able to find most stuff released with-in the last year without too much effort.
Also, some servers offer request credits in exchange for downloads, so you can ask for more niche or rare content. Happy hunting!
He looks rather concerned
Me too, last Friday
This is obviously a jedi mind trick
Cheers mates, keep up the good fight. Much appreciated.
If you use something like 13 ft ladder the NYT cooking pages are no longer pay walled.
Not me, but my girlfriend’s son (7) loves it on corn on the cob.
Check out cosmic