Comprehension goes both ways
Comprehension goes both ways
It’s like you’re not reading what i’m saying on purpose.
So perpetual liability regardless of what we do? Is that the advice you give? Saying “talk to them” is as vague a response as the advice listed from the first comment i responded to.
What a non-answer. I have a colleague with adhd that lost a customer because he couldn’t finish a job in time. Quite literally my business.
How do i help so it doesn’t happen again? From all i hear its a treatable issue.
Then give examples of what is valid.
Otherwise both problems persist. Misunderstanding by normals and undiagnosed ADHD-affected missing a tool.
I have no idea how to deal with someone that has adhd. I just know that they can’t process time the same way other people can.
“Being paraplegic is your superpower”
Just shut the fuck up.
Tell yourself that all you want. Unless you change from first past the post voting, it is the same.
This is what i’ve come to know too from talking to Palestinian refugees in Sweden. They have never been treated so bad as they where in the interim when they were in Egypt.
Culture != Color of skin
Some day you might understand, but i dont have the energy to delwe into it with an obvious spam-troll.
Shootings against civilians like this are very rare. The immigrant gangs however hire 15 year old trigger men, pay 10 000 dollars per kill. They usually only go for other gang members. Except when they use explosives.
30 explosions just in January due to a gang war.
The gang leaders are in Iran and lead from a distance. Iran doesn’t help.
While it definitely appears to be a hate crime, i just cant emphasize how different racial relationships are in Sweden compared to USA.
We didn’t have a constitution that said people are free, whilst justifying slaves by saying they weren’t human, since they were “black”
What we have are cultures that completely clash in modern times due to many, many reasons.
Hate crime, likely, but we don’t know. Because Swedish authorities doesn’t publicize such info out of concerns of privacy for potentially innocent adjacent.
Grotesquely enough one tabloid called the suspects father and started asking “why he did it”. He hadn’t even heard of the crime on the news yet. Its fucking disgusting what they did.
Terrorism, not likely. And saying anything else while the bodies were still warm would have been basis for dismissal as press officer.
What does skin color have to with it being classified as terror crime or not? This isn’t America.
This is verbatim what the police press officer said
Det finns nu inga misstankar om att det handlar om ett terrorbrott, och polisen tror att mannen har agerat på egen hand, även om man inte utesluter fler med koppling till dådet, säger Roberto Eid Forest.
Yeah, you kinda did.
But i guess the best option they got is murder or rape. I’d call them both detestable and disgusting, but you don’t seem to have any issue with sharia. That much is obvious. And it’s a bad look.
Does it feel good to know that your good book together with the Bible accounts for more pain and suffering than anything in the history of humanity?
Good thing that you apparently support stoning women and publicly executing those who disagree with you.
Oh shit, so the warlords WERE local. Thank you, thats all i needed to know.
From watching that doc, it looks as the Americans are trying to help and none was received. Like the first shot, they try to explain how hygiene works, likely cause the afghans dont know, and they just say “idiot, show how mines work”. Animals. But i guess they were the only ones that wanted to fight for “freedom”
Never said that. I said that the afghans chose poorly, why would they choose a pedo? And now they’re stuck living under muslim theocracy. Mainly fuled by Pakistan.
If that is what they want, fine. But then they objectively live in an unfree, cruel and dysfunctional society. They can keep it.
Haha. So you mean that the locally elected are so ass-backwards corrupt that the Taliban seem better.
Yeah that seems about right. No wonder Afghanistan is a shit hole.
More than 30 years ago. The talibans get their support from Pakistan now.
Oh, right. I forgot that everything is Americas fault. Especially the islamic theocracy. Has nothing to do with the fact that every sovereign power in the middle east funds fundamentalist insurgents in each others countries to destabalize them.
Pakistan, i’m looking at you.
Like I said, comprehension goes both ways.
You still haven’t answered the question, so clearly you don’t see the perspective.