I also remember idspispopd or something like that but not sure what it was for haha
I also remember idspispopd or something like that but not sure what it was for haha
Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West sequel. Love the entire series and while christmas this year came early with both a Zero Dawn Remaster and a LEGO Horizon Adventures release (and I’m also really into LEGO so yay!) I can’t wait to see how the story continues after the developments in part two.
Ah yes you’re right!
Is that CPU cooler resting on your GPU or is that just the perspective messing with me? It looks rather dangerous.
For the average household I think tracking your energy and gas consumption is most useful as it allows you to spot accidental wasteful usage and both save money and the environment :)
A fun experiment I did recently was to measure the speed of sound with my oscilloscope. I wired up a speaker and a microphone at a known distance from each other, connected the oscilloscope to both sides and measured how long it took between sound trigger & reception. I came within several meters/second accuracy which I think is a nice result for a basic home lab setup.
I also track a lot of metrics around the house using Home Assistant. Temperature, humidity, power usage, light levels, heating, but also stuff like total meters of filament used, total objects printed, system metrics. I like statistics and it’s fun to compare months/years and clearly see the results of improved isolation for example.
Without knowing the details of C, I’ve seen this in other languages and it’s usually something with missing a flush or a buffered output mode or something like that.
Congrats on the almost-3-years! Been there and it’s good to keep celebrating the achievements imho :) I have a mini celebration each year to reflect on all that’s happened since I stopped doing drugs and it’s only for the better, even though the craving never fully goes away for me.
It means “I am not a lawyer”, usually at least ;-)
You could finally visit the only real Legoland in Billund of course!
You could also see it as you preventing someone else from learning from their own mistakes. Maybe reframing it like that could help with skipping :)
SystemD also contains things like a network manager, dns resolving, ntp time sync and more, which I agree should not be so tightly coupled to the core init system.
Agreed! He even has the best line of the entire saga.
“Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?? … IT’S OVER 9000!!!”
Very optimistic of you to think they actually tested it :)
I don’t think it works that way… on paper it sure looks the way you said but I’m 99% sure there’s all sorts of gentlemen agreements and other back channel stuff going on there.
No worries, it appears that most of the world uses the word “scooter” differently than we do in the Netherlands :-) with your definition of scooter I agree that my statement was ridiculous haha.
Yeah it’s my bad as apparently most of the world uses the word differently :-) I’m a big fan of electric vehicles, both the noise and pollution are reduced which is great!
Ah yes that does sound familiar! And it’s sure been a while… feel old now haha.