I did. You never explained where you got this idea that Millennials have a 25 year gap and the others are 10.
I did. You never explained where you got this idea that Millennials have a 25 year gap and the others are 10.
Which is exactly why I qualified it saying it’s not exact. What dates are you using? You must be using something to say that Millennials are 25 years while the others are 10. That’s MY point.
It’s not an exact definition, but below I think is close:
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (18 years)
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (15 years)
Millennials (Gen Y): Born 1981-1996 (15 years)
Generation Z: Born 1997-2012 (15 years)
Generation Alpha: Born 2013-present
What you’re saying doesn’t line up with this at all, but maybe you have other generation dates in mind.
We grant you the rank of EU member, but you are not in Europe.
Edit: For those of you taking this seriously, it’s just a play on a stupid star wars meme