He doesn’t so much hate AfD as he hates that their existence makes it harder to focus on cutting regulation and giving tax cuts to the rich because they take some of the bigoted traditional voter base away from his party.
He doesn’t so much hate AfD as he hates that their existence makes it harder to focus on cutting regulation and giving tax cuts to the rich because they take some of the bigoted traditional voter base away from his party.
Russia’s entire military budget is somewhere in the same order of magnitude of what the US spends just on maintaining its nuclear arsenal, so no, they are not comparable there either.
People coming up with scenarios like that forget that the US would have huge supply lines to keep those bases going while the other country is literally right there. And it is not as if you would need to besiege a modern military base for months to starve them out.
Who says the solar array didn’t get to space with nuclear powered rockets?
It tars humans?
You forgot to mention the B-52Q flying above (somewhere between the current models and the B-52X at the time of the Enterprise D decommissioning)
That does actually sound like a fun game.
Thank you, this is the kind of context I was thinking of but I must have missed that particular story in the news.
Technically finding all the planes is super-easy if there are zero planes.
Maybe, but more importantly there are no people or organizations so good that everything they do is good by association nor any people or organizations so bad that everything they do is bad by association.
Honestly, when judging the actions of large organization such as governments it is best not to rely on simplistic “good guy”/ “bad guy” narratives. It might be best to judge each action on its own merit since it might be entirely different parts of the organization performing each action or making each statement.
Hell, the whole “good guy”/“bad guy” thing barely works on individuals.
I hear some of them even consumed food & water.
I mean this just means that it is not the objects that have those traits, it is the relation between the object and the human sensory organs that do. This is not really anti rules, just anti overly primitive rules.
I mean by the fucked up definitions in the US boats, planes and ground troops exist in all branches of the military but if you go by actual technology anything flying for more than a ballistic ground-powered throw (like artillery would have at most) should absolutely be considered part of the air forces.
The ones they have been using that fly for dozens or hundreds of kilometers aren’t really just grenade or binocular levels of equipment.
Would probably still be enough to give some WW2 troops a lot of trouble.
I would argue drones are quite a modern addition to air forces.
So what you are saying is that rotorcraft with a GAU-8 should replace Starlink satellites over war zones?