As the saying goes: listen not to what politicians say, but watch what they do.
By his own previous public proclamation anyone cooperating with the extremist AfD is to be expelled from his party. If he had decency he would now self-expel.
As the saying goes: listen not to what politicians say, but watch what they do.
By his own previous public proclamation anyone cooperating with the extremist AfD is to be expelled from his party. If he had decency he would now self-expel.
Bei echt vielen online shops ist es mittlerweile möglich schnell und unkompliziert zu bestellen (dh ohne Anmeldung oder Konto). Das war für mich früher oft mehr als eine kleine Hürde: noch einen Account, den man sich anlegen muss, noch ein Passwort zu verwalten, noch ein Newslettern abbestellen. Und übersichtlich gestaltete Seiten mit Suchfunktion sind auch gang und gebe geworden.
Amazon ist übrigens schon lange nicht mehr der günstigste Anbieter per se. Sie sind jetzt in der “squeeze” Phase in der sie ihre Marktmacht, Integration und die Trägheit der Kunden ausnutzen können.
So reportedly this guy got caught in a right-wing echo chamber of conspiracy Youtubers. That’s why his coup came so out of nowhere:
Unfortunately this just amounts to symbolic politics:
Saudi Arabi is hostile to Iran (as is Israel) too.
Is that what the Steam Deck uses? It’s pretty useful.
Iceland’s president holds a largely ceremonial position in the parliamentary republic, acting as a guarantor of the constitution and national unity.
That’s why.
You can export all your bookmarks to a single JSON file. it’s a format designed for storing and exchanging data between machines just like this.
Also good for making local backups of your favorites.
reminds me of a familiar face (here’s a quick snap from my cork board):
According to the study 37% of participants verify information before sharing it on social media.
There you have it folks.
Disinformation campaigns don’t need to be super convincing with the latest tech or elaborate fake outs, although it certainly helps. For the masses (ie election interference) it’s easy enough to to establish narratives, vibes by users simply sharing headlines to fake or manipulative reports. The people that bother to deep check and cross reference sources you typically couldn’t convince anyway. Sadly enough, most users never read beyond the head lines (75% this Facebook study estimates).
Think of your own feed: how many head lines // posts do you just scroll by w/out ever opening them? Even if you don’t share actively it still can influence the your perception of the world today and shape your mood.
Social media is eating away at the fundamentals of Democracy 🫠, change my mind!