Your comment had me go to YouTube to check, and almost all the top 30 comments were pro Zelensky.
Your comment had me go to YouTube to check, and almost all the top 30 comments were pro Zelensky.
the 30% who said they still consider the US an ally obviously don’t read the news Or they do, and they like what they see. I’m sure there are a few Canadians who would be fine with being the 51st state.
There’s nothing that says victims can’t become aggressors. This is true for individuals as well as large groups of people, including nation-states. A child who was abused can become an abusive parent. A religious group that was persecuted for years can become an oppressor. Jews were victims of a genocide a few years ago, and were persecuted for years and years before in Europe, but Israel is not a victim anymore and the rest of the world should tell it to stop acting like one because they are the one commiting genocide.
He’s just an entitled, stupid, obnoxious rich white man like there are hundreds of thousands in America. He’s treating the presidency like a tv show and the country like something he owns. He sees his power as a way to get richer, so he’ll bully other countries if they have something he wants. Strategy and geopolitics don’t mean anything to him.
I might be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure about half of this 0.1% are women. The ultra rich aren’t single and they have kids.
I agree with you that gender discrimination is one of the many ways to divide the people, but I don’t see how healing the gender divide will end the growing wealth inequality.
Old guy here. My advice: find something you really like and do that. Doing something you like multiplies by 10 the chance you’ll get good at it. You’ll have to try out a few things, which might give you the impression you are wasting your time; but it’s better to lose 3-4 years finding your way than burning up at 35 because you hate what you do.
Might be the American way, but it’s mainly Europe that will take the heat in an all out war against Russia.
Also, how does it end? Anyone really thinks Putin will surrender after 3-4 missiles hit Moscow? Come on.
Aaaaand why would CloudFlare want to teach the computers to mimic mouse movements?
Exactly what I was thinking. With the he US growing more unstable every day, while already helping Ukraine and Israel, the timing looks good for China.
I wouldn’t say “before September” cause China might want to wait until after the 2024 election. But before the end of 2025 for sure.
So, you don’t.
Alrighty then.
You come up with an unusual opinion, people answer with counter arguments, and rather than explaining your position you come back with one liners that bring nothing to the discussion.
Do you have an example where the downfall of a society was beneficial to its citizens? In the last thousand years? More than one, so we can see that it’s generally a good thing?
There’s a special place in hell for you
Possible, they don’t seem to be sorted by either time, replies or likes.