Spotify also originally got all its music by pirating it. But later it started printing money for record labels (while fucking over musicians) so all was forgiven.
Spotify also originally got all its music by pirating it. But later it started printing money for record labels (while fucking over musicians) so all was forgiven.
the problem is that for every ideas man, you need at least 20 people to actually do the work. And that work is a lot more tedious than being the one who comes up with the ideas
and of course, most people can’t tell the difference between a “good ideas man” and a “bad ideas man”, and there are a lot more of the latter
Every slave revolt was morally wrong, as the slaves broke the law while doing it
saddam hussein
Are these families somehow more meritorious than the rest of the population?
lacking multi-generational connections is still a pretty rosy picture of disadvantage. Statistically “unmeritorious” parents are far more likely to have their child suffer from malnutrition due to lack of money and neglect due to the parents working 2 jobs or having substance abuse issues. If the country has private schools, they won’t have access to them and due to living in a low-wealth area their public schools will have a disproportionately high amount of other neglected and abused kids which makes everything harder.
feature creep
did you know the USA is not as bad as north korea? checkmat e librals
if you can’t connect to a vpn using only open source software, that’s a crappy vpn
importantly it’s (hopefully) an ISP that operates from a less copyright-happy country and isn’t tied down to tons of expensive infrastructure and long-term contracts
Rules of thumb can be very useful for a relatively inexperienced programmer, and once you understand why they exist you can choose to ignore them when they would get in the way. Clean Code is totally unhinged though
I long wondered how he manages to identify as a libertarian despite what he spends all his time talking about, now it’s starting to make more sense lol