Standup comedy.
Surban mom.
Standup comedy.
I lost several hours to Esperanto on Friday:
I’m sure she could if she wanted. But what if she doesn’t want to? Side thought: if she was a man, no one would bat an eye at a solo status.
New technology is harder to adopt.
Cinnabon originated in the SeaTac Mall in Federal Way, WA!
Someone posted this last year… It still blows my mind.
My first meetings are at 6am, so I usually get up around 4am. I use two alarms because I’m fairly sleepy deprived. And I play on my phone for like 20 min while I wake up.
The trough of dissolutionment!
I had to give up animal products and soy. At this point, I’d pay the $10/dozen if I could eat one without being sick. 😉
I share my birthday with my mom and son, which makes it easy for everyone to remember.
I can’t stop laughing at ham fists. 😂
Christmas Wrap by the Waitresses.
I don’t think there is a good reason for anyone to buy Bitcoin, let alone the US government.
Talk to your boss before your next shift - being proactive is key. Explain that you had a momentary blib of a reaction that embarrassed you and you left early. If your boss is anywhere near human, they will understand and offer guidance on what you can do if it ever happens again. Not that you owe your coworkers an explanation, but if you feel you need to address it, you can say something casual like, “sorry for the flip out yesterday, I’m not a great speller and can be embarrassed about it.”
This is a learning experience (albeit a terrible one). And if it makes you feel any better, anything I’m good at is because something terrible happened. I’m good at lots of stuff now. 😉
Hang in there!!
I’d be really curious about what is really means and how you manage or cope with it. If I knew you for a while it would be just another thing to file away about your personality. It probably is something you would share with people you are close to, but you may need to educate them on what it means.
That a bon fire was a “bomb” fire and therefore, very loud and very dangerous.
We hosted one while I was in college. He fit into our family well and we still stay in touch 20 years later.
I was not! I’ll have to check it out.
COVID originated in the swamps of the deep south.
Edit: obviously, not really, but we shouldnt be too quick to judge where it came from.
Your question made me think about comedian Ryan Hamilton’s bit about the New Yorker visiting rural Idaho and wandering off to get gluten free cupcakes never to be seen again.
We for sure have it easier today.