Early 00-10s indie synth:
- Emancipator : Soon It Will Be Cold Enough
- All India Radio : Echo Other
- Boards of Canada
- Four Tet: There is Love In You
- Tycho : Awake
Similar video gamey music:
- El Heurvo : A Thing With Feathers
- Scattle : Sketch
- Com Truise
Early dubstep:
- Mala : Eyez
- Burial
- Zomby
- Skream
Late 90s breakbeat:
- Crystal Method : Vegas
- ILS : Bohemia, Music,
- Evil Nine : You Can Be Special Too
- Adam Freedland : Now & Them
If you even write one line of bash you are programming. The way you’re describing it only makes sense if you’re using the terminal like
. You metaphor breaks down the moment someone so much as usescd
. Even worse once you throw a pipe or redirect in. All of this you absolutely will have to do when installing Arch.Its absolutely irresponsible to tell people that installing and running Arch Linux is like talking to a discord bot.