Some kind of treaty might come soon anyway, though.
Maybe the collapse is closer than we think and that’s where this sudden push to resolve the war is coming from.
Some kind of treaty might come soon anyway, though.
Maybe the collapse is closer than we think and that’s where this sudden push to resolve the war is coming from.
oh, it’s garlicky
Don’t forget the two fronts the US would be fighting across the Atlantic.
Maybe 3 if those with interests in the Pacific get involved.
Google dropped their promise not to research AI wepons just in time to build the OS for Musk’s drone armies rolling out of his giga factories.
What’s the sad but true emoji?
Man the US was so much cooler when it stood
foragainst something
And sell the surplus to his billionaire cabinet to be resold to the less than poor while the poors starve.
It wasn’t too early for me to see it but Requiem for a Dream is also an excellent cautionary movie about heroin, addiction, and mental health.
“It’s shite being Scottish. We’re the lowest of the low. Some people hate the English. The English are just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonised by wankers. We can’t even find a decent civilization to be colonised by. It’s a shite state of affairs and all the fresh air isn’t going to change any of that, Tommy.”
That was from memory, let’s see how I did!
“It’s shite being Scottish! We’re the lowest of the low! The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash, that was shat into civilisation! Some people hate the English, I don’t! They’re just wankers! We, on the other hand, are colonised by wankers! Can’t even find a decent culture to be colonised by! We’re ruled by effete assholes! It’s a shite state of affairs to be in Tommy, and all the fresh air in the world won’t make any fucking difference!”
Not too bad after a few decades.
What about Steve at the office? That guy REALLY annoys me. Is he fair game?
You’re not alone in your confusion there, friend. Reading Speaker for the Dead and finding out about who the author was as a person blows my mind as to how such a bigot could even conceive of the ideas in that book.
That’s what I was referring to. Thank you for elucidating it, though, for others that may not have known.
Hey wow! A headline that isn"t answered with “no”.
If they’re older than 33 you can call him Old Jesus, too!
nope, it’s Element 710
Cheers and a happy early birthday to you as well!
Or…is it a late happy birthday?
Ugh, I can never remember with your birthday being so close to Christmas, y’know? It just slips my mind every year.
What is SMO?
Isn’t that the lie Putin told the world about the Russian war of aggression and invasion of Ukraine?
3 days, right?