meh. you’re not a psycho.
compassion is a muscle. if you’ve never spent much time, dedication, or effort working on empathizing with other people you won’t be good at it (or even think about it).
we just so happen to live in society where those skills are not as rewarded compared to being self centered, independent, and ruthless. conditions maketh the man. hang out with someone who’s got a lot of compassion and concern for the feelings of others and you’ll quickly realize what you thought was your personality is actually a learned maladaptive response to living in a cruel and apathetic world.
the Cold War was a free printing money machine for 50 years. creating a new one against China makes sense if you’re an oligarch whose wealth rides upon govt contracts and endless military industrial expansionism.
and it kinda explains why Putin is manipulating Trump to make him believe they’ll choose the US over China in a game of saber rattling. Russia is positioning itself to be the tie-breaker so it can play both sides against one another in lucrative energy/arms deals. maybe they’ll even get some real estate out of it.