which I can do without thinking
… And I can’t. Challenge failed, I think.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
This is my valley rhetoric – I’m just getting warmed up! My friend, have you not heard? Substance is subjective! Perhaps your definition has been clouded by the fog of your own high-mindedness. I prefer to dive into the chaos of the debate – a dance of wit, if you will. I thrive in the ebb and flow, where traditional rules bend, and creativity reigns. Your rigid structure is no competition for my unpredictable flair! Unpredictable flair or just chaotic noise? There’s a fine line between artistry and a cacophony of confusion, and I fear you’ve leapt over it with reckless abandon. True mastery lies in the ability to convey ideas clearly and convincingly, not just in throwing around clever phrases like confetti. But keep at it; your enthusiasm is noted, even if the execution leaves much to be desired.
Unpaid state actor isn’t particularly advantageous, either.
To be fair, there’s an off chance they are a real person, e.g. paid state actor. ;)
That would imply we in turn are conversing with a real person above.
Rule 1: set timers Rule 2: name ‘em
Someone break this word down for me
Hilfe leistungs lösch gruppen fahrzeug
(technically i’d need to add capitalization and dashes when separating into full nouns)
help giving exterminating groups’ vehicle drive thing (as others in this thread have noted)
Das Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug der Feuerwehr […]
The aid-providing fire-fighting vehicle of the fire department
Es transportiert Feuerwehrleute, Leitern, Werkzeuge, Schläu[che…]
It transports firefighters, ladders, tools, hoses
Not gonna lie, it’s a bit over the top. Feuerwehrfahrzeug
(fire dept’s truck) would’ve sufficed IMO. Nobody not working as a firefighter (and arguably not even all of those who do) knows let alone uses that long-form word.
My real issue with Python comes with managing a development environment when multiple developers are working on it. Dependency management in Python is a headache, and while in theory, virtual envs should help with synchronizing environments from machine to machine, I still find it endlessly fiddly with a bunch of things that can go wrong that are hard to diagnose.
Late to the party, but a serious suggestion; give uv for Python dev env/package management and ruff (or Black, for that matter, if you’re not using a formatter yet like some others here in the comments) for linting/formatting a shot.
They’re great and feel magical to use if you’ve known the pain experience of not having them.
Which aspects about it do you dislike?
I’m asking since for most everything – except maybe the fact it’s Electron-based – there’s an extension, or the behavior can already be altered in the settings.
Also, IDK how your workplace handles application management, but if you have any freedom as a developer (if that is your role?), make sure to get a package manager, presumably Homebrew or MacPorts.
Brew especially isn’t perfect, but brew install <name>
handily beats out any installation method containing the words “App Store” or “Browser download button.”
You have to apply some (from time to time well-hidden) tweaks to macOS until it becomes usable. :P
Use TextEdit for .txt and .rtf, and get Sublime Text, VS Codium, or any of the other bazillion IDEs out there until you find one you can tolerate. Helix does that for me. (:
You cannot make a safe yet universal cutting tool.
I’m neither language designer or crustacean advocate, but from what can be read, Rust seems to have managed just fine. The trick is probably to allow removing the cover of the sharp edge when needed (execute unsafe).
And now you (and us in the rest of the world) get democracy-dismantling Trump, who will continue to support Israel even more. That’s not even considering trans people, other demographics’ rights, or the climate. Good job being so virtuous in non-voting!
Said as someone not emotionally invested in her campaign.
This is why Unix orbs exist, man!
Private concerts is a good one! And then hire overpriced organizers for those events, too :D
That’s equity. Not spent money, just less-directly-available cash… But if that doesn’t count, real estate technically doesn’t either… Really tough question, depending on the circumstance
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