I clean the earwax off/out of them when I see it or the sound is affected (I wear deep insertion IEMs with tri-flange silicone tips), but otherwise just replace the tips when they wear out a couple times a year.
I clean the earwax off/out of them when I see it or the sound is affected (I wear deep insertion IEMs with tri-flange silicone tips), but otherwise just replace the tips when they wear out a couple times a year.
I’d probably just say something non-pressuring but supportive like “I know with everything that is going on recently that things may be challenging for you right now. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I’ll support you in any way I can.”
Yeah this is pretty much what I’m doing. My subscriptions are pretty much spaces about my interests that post positive content, and even then I filter out keywords for the bullshit that leaks in. Trying to spend more time reading books and unplugging from the internet. It still feels so hard to avoid the depressing bullshit though.
You don’t become a billionaire by pure luck though, you need to seek out situations that could make you rich and then you need to get incredibly lucky (unless you are born into money of course).
Being the type of person that seeks out becoming that rich is going to have to do it at the expense of others.
I don’t know what it is but I’ll read my posts before posting and then come back later and it will have an obvious autocorrect error I missed.
It pisses me right off how bad predictions have gotten on every keyboard. SwiftKey and Swype were damn near perfect at one point and now I swear it purposely chooses the wrong word.
Yes, surface material and colour can affect the thermal performance of a device. However when it comes to a smartphone with different colours this difference is almost certainly negligible.
Heat is transmitted by 3 methods, conduction, convection and radiation. For radiation heat transfer there are two properties that affect how much heat is transmitted/absorbed by the surface, temperature and emissivity. Generally darker colours have higher emissivity than lighter colours or reflective surfaces, but different colours of a phone are going to be close assuming they are the same material and radiation is a minor component in cooling a phone.
You almost can’t use too little detergent, recommended amounts are actually too much and tend to leave residue. You only need 1-2TBSP to properly clean your clothes.
Because that is what people are willing to pay for them.
A lot of those types of goods are priced extremely high compared to the actual cost to manufacture. Lighting is another example of this. You are paying for the design and brand in many cases even though they aren’t built better or with better materials compared to a more moderately priced faucet. High end faucets do have some more expensive components in them than cheaper ones. For example, orings are replaced by ceramic cartridges that feel better. Those changes maybe account for a couple dollars of manufacturing cost though.
It can be frustrating knowing how much stuff costs to manufacture, so often I look at items like this and get frustrated because I know the manufacturer is selling for >10x what it cost to make.
“Everything” for searching
I remember that Ice soap was also around this time, so of course reddit took it too far and combined them.
deleted by creator
I use mold for everything, but don’t really bat an eye at using mould for the tool that is used to make parts which I see pretty often through my work.
Seriously, my bank used to have a password requirement that was 6 characters exactly, no more or less. Plus symbols were completely banned. The reason, it was also your phone password, so in reality it was a 6 digit numeric password where they interpreted the T9 letters as numbers.
I unreasonably hate the word “moreover”. I see no reason why you wouldn’t use the words “also”, “additionally”, or even “furthermore” that sound way better when read.
It depends on how powerful of a machine you need. My server only costs about $9.25/mo to run and it is way overpowered for the services I run on it.
Pretty much all my sleep/suspend issues with Linux went away when I switched to Manjaro from Fedora on my 11th gen Framework 13. Sometimes it doesn’t work, but the majority of the time I can open my laptop after a couple days and still have most of my battery.
This is a topic that could be a novel for how much there is to consider, but in the end it comes down to resources and companies trying to choose what it best for the company overall. For a company to do anything, they are giving up many other things they could be doing instead. Whether it is limited budgets, limited personnel, or company priorities every decision made is always a tradeoff that means you aren’t doing something else.
Most companies prioritize releasing new product so they can start getting revenue from it as soon as possible. A new product has the largest potential market, and thus makes shareholders happy to see revenue coming in. The sales from a new product are the easiest ones in most product’s lifecycle. Additionally. releasing new products helps keep you ahead of competitors. So ongoing maintenance work is de-prioritized over working on new things.
The goal of testing is to simulate potential use cases of a product and ensure that it will work as expected when the customer has the product in their hands. It is impossible to fully test a product in a finite amount of time, so tests are created that expose flaws within a reasonable search space of the expected uses. If an issue is found then it needs to be evaluated about whether it is worth fixing and when. There are many factors that affect this, for example:
Unfortunately, after considering all this the result is often that it isn’t worth the effort to fix something, but it is considered.
Good to see you are out of your 5 year coma…
Paul’s online math notes are by far the best resources out there for the first few university level math courses.
It is a great shame that his linear algebra notes were removed years ago.
Floorp is what I use and it is pretty decent.