He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

Proudly banned from lemmy.ml for being critical of the CCP

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I’m decent at typing though, because I can go back and edit stuff. If you ask me in person how an equatorial telescope mount works, I will have no idea how to begin. But here on the internet, I can just say

    An altitude/azimuth mount (like the dobsonian collecting dust in your neighbor’s basement), rotates on axes local to you. To track a target with an alt/az mount, you have to continuously rotate the telescope left or right (that’s the azimuth), and up or down (that’s the altitude).

    An equatorial mount rotates around the same axis as the Earth itself, which means that throughout the night as the stars move across the sky, you only have to rotate the telescope in one direction to track a target. It effectively cancels out the Earth’s rotation, keeping the sky stationary (relative to the scope).

    If I want to go a little deeper, I can try to explain right ascension and declination, but that’s a whole nother paragraph

  • As a professional evolutionary psychologist (and definitely not someone who just read this on the internet somewhere and can’t find a source), ADHD was probably beneficial tens to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The mf who got bored of living in a village for 20 years and decided to walk hundreds of miles until they found a really cool hill is the mf founding new villages and moving into Europe, and Asia, and the Americas, and Australia

  • Macross 7 by Disney directly, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and The Simpsons by various other rights holders, and probably more that I’m not even aware of

    Right now it’s just one plotline in Macross 7 that involves sexual assault, and some “offensive” episodes of Always Sunny and The Simpsons. From what I’ve read, the Macross one makes the show better, but I’d rather not set a precedent that lets them clip out every gay and trans character to please the current administration

  • It technically would alter the moons orbit, but not by a lot. This asteroid would impact with roughly the energy of a nuclear bomb, which sounds like a lot, but on the scale of our moon it’s negligible.

    A rough estimation given my limited understanding of physics is that to change the moon’s orbit by 1 m/s, you would need to impart something like 10²² joules of energy into it. Wikipedia says that if this asteroid hits the moon, the impact energy will be around 10¹⁶ joules. I don’t know how much you know about exponents, but 10¹⁶ is approximately 0% of the way to 10²², and that’s just change of 1 m/s

    Of course, someone who actually understands physics is free to correct me if I’m wrong

  • Guess I’m getting nerd sniped. In the bottom right corner, we see

    Where the question marks are squares we don’t know the status of, and the boots are where his feet are.

    I actually don’t think this board can be solved. If we format it like this

    We can see that 2nd square in the middle column must be mined, and that clears all three question marks in the 4th column. But one of the bottom two squares in the fourth column must be mined.

    I suppose if the board extends farther under the grass than we can see, then it would look like this

    and would be solvable. Now I’m worried about the mines that are under the grass. Do we even know how far the minefield goes? I hope he was really careful to mark where he walked so he has a safe path out

  • Humans are fucking wild man. We constantly push the boundaries of what’s physically possible. What do you need to make a nuclear bomb? Some hot rocks and some math. What do you need to send someone to the moon? Fuel, oxidizer, an airtight box, and math. What do you need to get cars and electricity to the majority of people? Massive sociopolitical change and widespread adoption of new standards. Nukes are way easier than cars and electrical networks