Every Syrian refugee I’ve met **hates ** Russia for the atrocities committed there. But money talks, I hope you are right and they tell them off.
That’s the one. I bring the bar to eye level for the crossover.
Best of luck to you with your goals too.
Judo 3x/wk. Usually 1.5hrs of hard randori.
Weights or hard cardio 3x/wk:
3 egg whites/1 with yolk + 250g chopped spinach omelette for breakfast.
Big bowl of salad with an apple, orange and almonds/walnuts and 150g of chicken. Basalmic vinegar over it.
My goal is slowly go from 94kg to 89kg over the next year and keep getting stronger.
Pretty much the exact reason containerized environments were created.
Still enjoying using Sublime. If I had to leave I’d probably go back to vi.