We don’t really need the power to be able to attack the US. Just enough to be able to defend ourselves and that is far from impossible even in 4 years.
If the US takes over Greenland, whatever the means, there’s no way that small population stays. Deportation or gentrification they will be kicked out and replaced by Americans.
I feel your frustration but this isn’t a petty dictator with his boot on his people’s neck. He was elected. The US, as a nation, chose this. You are choosing your new allies and your new enemies and being quite clear about it.
As an European it’s pretty clear now that the US is our enemy. This is just the start. We really need to put our military in order and prepare for the inevitable attack.
That’s not quite a children’s cartoon…
I’ve went from 7 to LTSC. I didn’t realize how cool LTSC was until I had to use a W10 machine at work. There’s a good chance I’ll go full Linux when the support ends but I’ll have enough time to consider it.
Cats this social usually have owners (aka slaves). Most cats here are indoor/outdoor.
Dude, just block him. Can’t you see how he distorts reality? Either he’s a troll or completely indoctrinated. You will not convince this kind of trash. Ignore him.
Fact is Israel will only stop when they are made to stop. They will keep pushing it farther and farther until they fuck up and mess with someone able to hurt them bad. Until then they are untouchable and it might be a long time. But Israel has already doomed its own long-term existence, they’re just too dumb to see it.
My money is on them pulling a military stunt, accidental or not involving Turkye and then finding out. Turkye has the means to make them shit their breaches and there’s no way in hell the US is doing anything militarily against them and risking loosing a key member of NATO to Russia. If Turkye closes the Bosphorus, the Bosphorus stays closed and nobody has the means to forcibly open it short of using nukes.
“Sorry Captain, it was dark and in that angle he looked so much like an hospital”
It’s intriguing how only the weakest in the region seem to “start” wars with Israel.
I feel the same about wanting to be bi. Double the fun!
I actually have a friend who felt the same way. For years he talked how one of those days he was going to get it on with a dude just to make sure he didn’t swing both ways. I couldn’t argue with his logic, how can we be sure if we never tried?
One day he put his money where his mouth was. Now he’s sure he’s not bi and no longer talks about it XD
Or maybe, and I know this sounds utterly insane but hear me out:
Instead of reminding people to use it with notifications you could use the memory of previous engagements to make the user actually initiate subsequent utilization of the app. It’s kind of like the user notificating itself.
It sounds crazy but it might work!
Pakistanis are not Arabs…
She’ll be waiting for you in Istambul.
Self-hosted machine. It was basically my old computer I bought back in '09. It’s a i5-750 on a Asus P5P77. It started with the 4 GB RAM I hadn’t sold until I upgrade to 8. I used a borrowed Nvidia GT730 and a 1 TB HDD at first until I upgrade my main PC GPU and bought a new HDD for the server so now it runs in a 4 TB HDD and my old GTX 1060 3 Gb. It’s a beast for my needs.
Jellyfin is the main reason I started my server. Initially it was so my mother could easily watch shows I would never illegally download. Until a realized it would be great for me too and friends. To not watch them…I mean, because that would be ilegal!
Qbittorrent…shit…oh well :)
Nginx, when I realized I could host my own development server and personal website
Komga, when I realized I could have the same benefits of Jellyfin with books and comics.
Tailscale, allows me to, among other things, use it as an online or LAN hard drive for me and people I like.
Samba, see above. It also works to keep a nice share folder between my main PC and my laptop
The more time passes the more I realize self-hosting is the best idea ever. I get new ideias every day.
Actually, the traditional Jogo da Bolacha is also a thing. If you’re in Portugal and someone asks for you to join, YOU JOIN. It’s extremely rude for foreigners to refuse the Jogo da Bolacha. Specially if the inviter winks at you. It’s also good manners to announce you’ll loose the first few times, while you learn. If people are surprised by this just smile, lick your lips and say you’re the Cookie Monster. You’ll be accepted among us very quickly.
Jesus fucking Christ, I wished they had all voted Democrat just to shut you up. Trump is bad enough but hearing you guys complain about this over and over is just too much.
Let it go, for fuck sakes. Deal with it.